The Value of Recruiting

The Value of Sponsoring

If you are considering starting your own Scentsy business or are currently a Direct Sales consultant this is for you.  Whether you are having a hard time growing your team, or even just catching the vision of why you should recruit, hopefully this will help! 

When I say "recruit", I am referring to the intentional actions of growing your team, but of course that implies that you will mentor and help them have success along the way. 

I will show you why you should grow a team, the income potential from maximizing the compensation plan to take advantage of earning Leadership Bonuses, and tools for recruiting, along with some challenges to put it all in practice.   

"Why should I recruit?"

The same reason that you decided to join is the reason you should recruit and grow a team! Most likely you had some goal in mind for your business, and that helped you sign up.  Your efforts toward those goals are multiplied and made possible only by recruiting and growing a team.  

Why would someone want to join Direct Sales?

Here are a handful of reasons someone might join, and how recruiting is the key to attaining those purposes:

  1. Money/time (make way more money with a team, that leads to freedom… time to quit your job or time to do what you love)
  2. Travel (earn trips by recruiting and promoting)
  3. Recognition (earn promotions, awards)
  4. Social (more fun with a team, and you’ll also find some of your best friends at SFR, on incentive trips, at Leadership)
  5. Impact/Influence (much harder without a team!  Who do you influence? LOL)
  6. Self-improvement/Self-Confidence (didn’t know I was joining for THIS!  Didn’t know it would be the most valuable and favorite part of my Scentsy business; you can make money anywhere… but not everything makes your confidence.  Not everything builds you personally and helps you grow. People PAY for self-improvement classes, if you work it right, you can make money with Scentsy and have a great springboard to your personal journey!)

CYCLE: recruit and help them grow, continually recruiting to grow and expand (always better than a sale! Lead with the join opportunity).  Grow wide (increase your own personal recruits) and help them grow deep (help them all recruit). I missed out on many downline bonuses because they promoted Directors before I could tap into that bonus by being SD or SSD, but growth and momentum is always good!  Help THEM be as successful as they can...even if you miss out on their bonus… and continue to grow so you can capture that downline bonus as soon as you can. It’s a LONG game mentality.

GOAL = SSD just means that you find four people who want to get to Director and you help them get there!

Paid at Title

Make sure your goal is to always be paid at title.  (You’ll never miss a paycheck, you’ll never miss a promotion and get tons of points for incentives!)  What does it take to be Paid At Title (PAT)?  There are three requirements each month to be PAT.  If you have promoted to a higher rank but don't have all of the requirements that month to be paid at that rank, you will be paid at the level you achieve for that month.  There aren't any penalties for not being paid at title, you just only earn the leadership bonuses based on your current rank for that month.  

How Much Can You Make as a Scentsy Consultant?

This is Scentsy's Income Disclosure Statement showing maximum annual pay for each Scentsy rank.  You can see the vast difference in pay as you climb the ranks, with the huge jump in max annual commission at SuperStar Director. (This is WHY you promote and aim for SSD!!)

*I am required by the government to post this Scentsy Income Disclosure Statement stating that results vary, and nothing is guarantee of income.  Having said that, these are my real income graphs so it really is possible if you work hard!  

Scentsy Income Disclosure










Actual Scentsy Paycheck Breakdown

This chart below is MY actual income graph showing the breakdown of where my paycheck comes from: income from personal sales vs. downline leadership bonus pay.  My graph in particular is from being paid as Escential Consultant through all of the ranks up to Star Director. Scentsy Paycheck breakdownScentsy Commission Check by source



























Recruiting is about Mindset

Imagine your life if it were everything you dream of! What is keeping you from that dream? What is keeping you from recruiting? 

Recruiting is about MINDSET, not even necessarily the SKILLS.  If you WANT it badly enough, you’ll find a way to make it happen!  YOU have your own unique personality, which means your own unique way of recruiting!  If you use someone else's way, it will get you started, but you have to make it yours to be effective and non-spammy!  That comes from passion and practice!

HOW To Recruit:

Put on your recruiting glasses!  You see what you look for.  When I DECIDED to strive to earn Annual Mentor, my whole business completely changed.  When I joined in 2008 and didn't really make much progress in growing my team until I started my recruiting focus in 2012.  I was determined to grow my team, and I earned Annual Mentor in 2012! 

I earned the Annual Mentor Award again in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and missed 2017 by my last recruit to put in 30 PRV… but I earned it again in 2018.  Choosing to focus on growing my team and recruiting changed my business in every way.  I also earned my first incentive trip in 2012 to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic and haven't missed earning a single incentive trip since then! 

Once you decide that you WILL grow, you will find and create the best ways for you to recruit.  Whatever you do, it must be authentic and genuine so it doesn't feel spammy. 

Don't be spammy

Recruiting can be a natural, generous way to offer something amazing that you have found.  Don't decide for them; our job is to invite and offer the opportunity to join you, then let them decide. 

How to find someone to join

Here are my 2 TOP SECRETS to how I do it!  When I started using these two methods, my recruiting completely changed and was way more effective.  These are the keys; you have to apply them in the scenarios you choose.  


    1. “You would be great at Scentsy because…”  Look for one true, unique quality or character trait that would make them successful if they chose to run a  Scentsy business. (NOT how Scentsy would be good for them; how THEY would be good for Scentsy.) Express confidence and share what you see in them.
      1. 3 sentences:  you would be great at Scentsy because___,
      2. express confidence in THEM that they will be great,
      3. give them confidence in YOU, that you’ll help them
    2. Doesn’t have to be scent-related (organization skills, great social media presence, friendly, run a business, connector, social personality, fundraiser, etc).  Current customers and hosts are a great place to look, but don’t count out others… like ME!
    3. The more you train yourself to look for the good qualities in others, the more you’ll see it!  Even if they don’t join, you’ll give them a gift of an honest compliment and they will feel good about themselves.

    1. Referrals “who do you know…” ask at parties, customers, friend conversations; this is how I got 30 good referrals for Australia when it was opening up!  This is a great way to get referrals, but it also takes the pressure off of the person you're asking, and often they admit that they have been thinking of joining.
    2. Can be in a conversation, but you should also think of a system that will help your customers know what you want from them - sticker on your products saying to post and tag you, postcard explaining your referral program and rewards, mention it in your customer newsletter, post a graphic in your VIP page, etc.

PRACTICE makes progress

  1. Turn to your neighbor and think of one UNIQUE reason they would be good at Scentsy and tell them!  (Use the 3 sentences, and ask!)

“You are so organized and would be so great at running a business!  I can see you really being so successful as a business owner, you would be perfect at this!  I will be here to help you the whole way, we can do it together; it’ll be so fun! Have you ever thought about starting a business?”

  1. Now turn to your other neighbor and ask for a referral!  “Who do you know that___?”
  2. Find some friends to practice and role play good examples (who wants to come up and show us how it went?)  

Scenario role play practice: (which approach are you going to use, what are you going to say?)

You can be a successful recruiter

It was Scentsy Convention 2009 in Salt Lake City and I had been a consultant for about 18 months.   My rank at the time was a Lead, and at that even they were presenting big awards and even giving away cars on stage.  This got me wondering about my potential do be successful with the business too, and I asked my husband, “Do you think this will ever be me?”.  My reason for joining was to pay off grad school student loans and have a little money for extras.  However, I didn't have the vision or belief that I really could make it work much bigger than just the helpful little income I was making at the time. 

I had no idea that I would go on to earn my own awards, trips, and even support my family with our Scentsy income after my husband was laid off from his job.  I couldn't see it then, but it really would be me... and it can be you too! 

DREAM BIG!  You CAN do it!  Don’t be afraid of success, don’t be afraid of failure, don’t be afraid to share this awesome opportunity!  You love Scentsy enough to be a consultant and make that investment and commitment to build your Scentsy business, so don’t keep it to yourself!  Share and let them decide if the time is right to join. Our job is simply to extend the offer!

Personal Action Plan

What are you going to do differently?  What’s your plan? Take-away or ahas?

WRITE down your own Direct and Indirect Approaches and practice.  Practice with your family, your neighbors, your dog, your team.

Want a little more?  Here's a video of me presenting to a group of Scentsy Consultants about the value of recruiting, but explaining the why and how of recruiting!

~Becky Sattler,

Scentsy SuperStar Director

3 Vision Challenges Scentsy Leaders Face

The Three Vision Challenges Direct Selling Leaders Face

Becoming a Leader as a Scentsy Consultant can be intimidating. We’ve even had dozens of Consultants on our team that avoid being a leader! They contrast their perception of what it means to be leader with their own perceived weaknesses and insecurities and get overwhelmed with the gap they see between the two. I’m not going to say it’s easy or that these fears aren’t real but in my experience too many of us shrink in the face of our own, very real potential. In reality, none of us really know what we’re doing. Everybody who is a leader was once not a leader. Every current leaders had a first time being a leader. Our own experience and a willingness to tackle uncertainty goes a long way! A lot of times you just have to fake it ’til you make it! Trust in your own experience, jump in, keep working your business, realize you don’t have to know everything and in most cases, you’ll do awesome.

That said as leaders we want to help our team grow their own Scentsy businesses and striking a balance between working our own business and helping our teams can become a confusing exercise with mixed results. We want to help but aren’t sure what our teams need, what is most helpful, or if they even want our help. We’ve spent hours and hours helping, mentoring, training,  and coaching Scentsy Consultants on our team grow their own business with at best, mixed results. This leads to what we’ve determined is the most universal challenge we think all leaders face, ourselves included, is a matter of vision. These three issues with Vision influence how we spend our time as leaders and heavily impact our team growth.

These three Vision problems are:

  1. We have no positive vision of the new Consultants that join our team.
  2. We have too much vision for the new Consultant that join our team.
  3. We have no positive vision of ourselves.

So, the first one - having no positive vision of our new Consultants. This is pretty self-explanatory but more importantly how does someone get to that point? How do we get to a point where we have not positive vision of our new Consultants potential? There may be people that are just naturally pessimistic and don’t see other’s potential BUT in my experience our natural tendency is to see others in a better light than ourselves. And THAT, ironically, is how we get ourselves get to a point where we don’t see any hope for our new Consultants.

You see, imagine you’re a new leader wanting to help your team achieve their goals so you spend hours training, attending launch parties, explaining the comp plan, and even help them overcome their fears and get that first recruit. They promote to Lead. You have hope for their future and your own as you see your new Lead Consultant walking across the stage as a Director! A couple of phone calls go by and your new Lead is having a tough time completing goals, she’s not hitting her numbers, and her new recruit isn’t doing much. You paint the picture you see of her but it falls on deaf ears, nothing changes and other things begin to take precedence for your Lead Consultant. Two months go by and your unanswered phone messages, PM’s, and texts warning her that she is on the termination list do nothing and she’s gone.

Well, gee, thanks for the depressing story right?! But that’s how we get there. We get burned again, and again, and again. We invest time and energy and become emotionally attached to people and the amazing future we know they can achieve. So after watching that potential crumble with dozens of new Consultants after spending so much energy on them, we get deflated. The reality of direct sales is that one-third of our teams are just starting their biz, another one-third is working it, and the last one-third are on their way out.

How do we address this?

So, I’ve typed this sentence a dozen times but there really is no way to say it without sounding harsh but we have to find a way to provide some custom guidance, point them in the right direction and let them go and do it on their own. It's hard, but avoid the well-intentioned tendency to push or pull your new Consultants to success. You will be able to drag some to promotions but when you ask them to step up as leaders they won't know what that means or they'll think they need to do what you did and get frustrated trying to pull their teams to success. Instead of pushing or pulling, we focus on partnering. We increase our availability and mentoring to match their level of achievement. Sounds harsh but the more we push and pull the less they have to tap into their own creativity and feel the drive to do anything to make it work. No amount of mentoring or coaching can match the power of their own motivation.

Now the second one, the opposite of the first, is having too much vision for our new Consultants. Why is this a challenge? Well, because we do what I explained above - we spend inordinate amounts of time, energy, and emotional investment and set ourselves up for frustration as we see Consultants CHOOSE to let their Scentsy business die.

How do we address this?

Well, as odd it may seem the answer here is the same as the answer to the first - find a balanced approach to provide your new Consultants what they need. I’ll be honest though, it’s still a bummer watching people with so much potential not make it work. But, but that’s their choice and I respect that and wish them the best.

Finally, the one Vision issue we don’t think we have but is the greatest threat to our business - having no positive vision of ourselves. This Vision issue is what keeps so many Consultants from even being a Leader! How do we get to where we don’t have a positive vision of ourselves? Well, nobody knows us better than ourselves. We minimize or even forget our successes and exaggerate our failures. We think we can trust ourselves to be objective about our success rate when in reality we are own worst critics. No one is harder on us than ourselves as we spend hours comparing ourselves to others which only magnifies our weaknesses. All the while blind to the fact that they are doing the same as they look at us.

How do we address this?

Winston Churchill is quoted as saying - “Success is going from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm”. Success is not the absence of failure. My favorite BBQ sauce is Heinz 57 - it took 57 attempts to find the perfect recipe to find the awesomest BBQ sauce ever so hey, we can screw up from time to time. Secondly, stop comparing. Accept you screwed up, fix it, don’t do it again, and move on. Give yourself a break. Will Rogers once said that “Good judgment comes from experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgment”. If nothing else, you’ve probably developed phenomenal judgment!

The Focus Map to Scentsy Success

The Focus Map to Scentsy Success

In a clock-in, clock-out world there are things like career paths or management training programs that provide talented, high-potential individuals diverse experiences designed to help them progress towards a particular target job. At the end of the experience, assuming the individual does well, they gain the position they were targeting from the beginning. Knowing what the path ahead of us looks like allows us to focus on the now while still anticipating and preparing for what comes next.


In order to get the same kind of clear path as a Scentsy Consultant, the obvious place to start is with the Scentsy Compensation Plan. The Comp Plan tells us rank is next, how we are paid at the next rank, and what key metrics we need to hit in order to achieve that rank. And that's actually really great - knowing exactly what I need to do to make more money AND the fact that it is the same path for everyone - is awesome. But beyond that baseline info, we have a lot of Consultants wondering where their focus should be at each rank in order to make the most of their current rank AND how to promote to the next. So based on our own experience, we put together the below information to give our amazing team of Scentsy Consultants tips on where to focus at each rank.









Paying off Startup Cost
Learn how to sell
Create Customer Base
Scentsational Start Level 3

Becky & Dave Reco

Take advantage of the great incentives to learn your new biz, make money, and pay off your startup costs. Remember sales are money for today, recruits are money for tomorrow so spend your time selling this will prove invaluable to help train new Consultants. REMEMBER - always offer the opportunity at parties & to customers but spend your time getting parties.Star



60%-SalesRecruit, recruit, recruit
Partner w/ upcoming leaders
Grow Team VolumeThe real reason we recommend the majority of your time be selling is if you’re out selling you’re in front of new people - the best way to find new recruits. Perfect your customer loyalty programs to reduce the time and money you spend getting PRV. Remember if 120 people spend $100 2X/year, you have 2k PRV every month. Start some mentoring but avoid the temptation to hand hold to ensure someone else's success, don’t create an entitled culture. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with the demands of a growing team and their questions. Avoid pushing and pulling your team to success - rather partner with them. Reward results. If effort isn’t getting results than work on training to improve results.Director

Star Director25%-Mentoring


40%-SalesCrank out Directors
Empower your leaders
Create success cultureYour frontline and Director Generation bonuses should be roughly 50-70% of your paycheck if not more at this point. Your system for PRV should be established. Build Directors & help them develop into leaders; let them be leaders. Like you, they’ll make mistakes but avoid being the person your entire group goes to for questions, training, mentoring, news, etc. - let your leaders step up. Creating a culture of leaders requires empathy and accountability at the same time but work for it, it'll save your sanity and build sustainability into your biz.SuperStar Director35%-Mentoring


30%-SalesBusiness sustainability
Keep Recruiting
Keep Leaders EngagedYour paycheck is largely, Dir. Gen. Bonuses and to a lesser degree FL bonuses. Focus on the long-term sustainability of your biz. This means ensuring leaders have goals and momentum and that you're still bringing new leaders. The reality is you can never stop recruiting. New Consultants, even Directors, with potential and promise join and quit all the time so you’ve got to be bringing new people in to keep the momentum and growth going in your business.Life as a Scentsy Consultant can be a lot of fun with the flexibility, time off, free trips, and unlimited income potential but, like any job, there is a learning curve. We hope that this helps give an idea of one way to achieve the success you're looking for as a Scentsy Consultant. If you're not a Scentsy Consultant but you've always thought about being your own boss or launching your own business let me invite you to join my global team of Scentsy Consultants. We have amazing Scentsy Consultants in Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, USA, Canada, the UK and more. Now is a great time to join and launch your Scentsy business! To join, simply follow the link to join Scentsy and become a Scentsy Consultant!