ShopBecky and Dave Sattler - Independent Scentsy Consultants

January 13, 2015

New Years Resolutions for Direct Sales Businesses

New Years Goal Setting

I have found that it is so important to have yearly goals for your Scentsy or Direct Sales business, or you will not accomplish nearly as much, and won't know when you have achieved what you want to anyway.  Without plans, the same status quo continues, and you will continue to get the same results you always have.  Even if those are positive growth and good results, you will miss out on the life-changing results you could have experienced if you had stretched yourself and your business.

Direct Sales Goals for the New Year

Hooray for 2015!! I love the new year, and the chance to evaluate and plan for what I want to have happen in the new year for my Scentsy business goals. There are so many ways to set New Years Resolutions and goals, and a lot of it depends on your style and personality, so I'll list four ideas of types of goals and resolutions that have worked for me, and you can choose.  You can do them all, but at least do ONE and you will be amazed at how it impacts your year for your Scentsy business!!

Scentsy goals

1. WORD focus - choose one word to focus on for the year. Create your schedule and life around this word, and let it influence your focus and activities for the year. I love this approach. My word for last year was "intentional" and it really did change my year. I highly recommend the word focus, especially if you have a hard time remembering your goals throughout the year.  When you use a word focus, it becomes a part of everything you do that year, instead of necessarily creating specific goals.

2. Use your WHY - go through an exercise with yourself or a trusted friend to help you boil down your reason for having your Scentsy business. Get to the heart of why you do what you do, and you'll be amazed at how deeply you feel connected to it. A "why" will be different for everyone, but has immense power to keep you focused and rolling, even when it's hard and you want to quit. Find your why and you'll build a business more fervently than if you just "sell Scentsy". It will be so much easier for you to recruit as well, as you share your story and why you sell Scentsy.

3. DREAM BOARD - this is an age-old secret to visualizing what you want to do, become, and achieve. You can create it on a poster, so you see it every day, and can include pictures, words, numbers, goals, etc. There is great power in connecting your eyes, mind, and heart to your dreams, and they all work together to help you find the heart to make it happen. Every time I actually make one, I am amazed at the results and I wonder why I don't do it all the time! You can also make a virtual board on Pinterest, and pin all of the same things you would put on your poster. There are many examples on Pinterest for how to make a virtual dream or goal board; if you do a search in Pinterest, many will come up.  Oprah has a free online tool for creating a virtual dream board as well that is easy to find if you Google it.

4. ANALYSIS and PLAN - this is for those of you who don't love a New Year's Resolution!! Look at where you were this time last year, and where you ended 2014. How many team members? What was your average PRV? Did your team grow and promote? Did you increase your customer base? Did you set up systems for your business so it can continue to improve and grow? There is also huge power in analyzing the numbers, seeing trends, and then planning to make the end of 2015 look how YOU want it to look. Otherwise, you'll just take it as it comes, and you'll not know when you have achieved your goal (and not nearly as likely to grow your business and team as much!). They can be simple plans and goals, but having them will help give you direction and focus, and help you decide what you want out of your business this year.

Here's to an incredible 2015!! If you really work your Scentsy or other Direct Sales business as a business, you'll be AMAZED by this time next year at all that has happened. You CAN change your business, and your business can change your life. Please know that Dave and I are ALWAYS here to help, and really do want you to succeed. Please reach out to us if you need anything - we are here to help! Here we goooo!!!

~Becky Sattler, Scentsy Star Director


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Becky and Dave Sattler ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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