Scentsy Fundraiser for Japan Relief
My brother and his family were stationed in Japan during the earthquake and tsunami in March 11,2011, so we have been glued to CNN and any other news from Japan we can find. My heart has broken as I see images and movies of the destruction in Japan and the loss those people are going through. Now with the radiation danger from the Nuclear crisis from the Power Plant leak, the situation just continues to get more bleak. I felt guilty for being so relieved when my brother was safe and got to come back home to the U.S. and felt so sad for the Japanese people who didn't get to leave. I know there's not a lot I can do, but I figure something is better than nothing, so I am holding my own Scentsy fundraiser and donating 100% of my net profits from Scentsy to support aid in Japan.
Support Japan with Scentsy 
Buy Scentsy and help support Japan relief at the same time - couldn't be simpler. It's a great time to buy Scentsy, with the brand new catalog just released in March and all kinds of yummy spring/summer Scentsy scents. In my opinion, they are the best yet! Jumpin' Jellybean has been a hot seller already too, and is even on sale as the Scent of the Month for March. If you click on the link to BUY SCENTSY ONLINE, you can click on the "Japan Relief Fundraiser" and I'll donate my Scentsy pay from that sale to help Japan through a Humanitarian Aid organization that runs solely on volunteers, so 100% of the donations go to help. Thanks for supporting Scentsy and aid for Japan.