ShopBecky and Dave Sattler - Independent Scentsy Consultants

August 22, 2012

Top Selling Scentsy Scent Paks for June 2012


Is it time to buy more Scentsy scent paks?  Check out the top selling paks from June.

Newborn Nursery Scent Pak

On sale for $6.30

Newborn Nursery Scent Pak - bring back the memories of your newborn







Clean Breeze Scent Pak - The spring and fresh clean laundry

Clean Breeze Scent Pak

Fresh Scent








Sweet Pea and Vanilla Scent Pak - raspberries, vanilla, and sweet pea petals...a great combination

Sweet Pea Scent Pak

A great combination of smells








Luna Scent Pak - jasmine, sweet pea, freesia-juice berries

Luna Scent Pak

On sale for $6.30









French Lavender Scent Pak - smell of wild lavender from France

French Lavender Scent Pak

Smell of Herbal Lavender

Fill your life with fragrance®

Becky and Dave Sattler ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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