ShopBecky and Dave Sattler - Independent Scentsy Consultants

October 11, 2011

How To Become a Scentsy Consultant

Join the Scentsy Team and Become a Consultant

When you decide to start a Scentsy business there are a few things you need to know.  First, you will be called a "Scentsy Consultant" which is why you see this term used a lot by other people who have Scentsy businesses.  Basically, you're a Scentsy Rep, a Scentsy Distributor, or a Scentsy Dealer... same thing.  You are an independent consultant with Scentsy and not actually employed by Scentsy.  In simpler terms, you are signing up to be able to sell Scentsy products for a commission.

Signing Up With Scentsy

You can sign up with Scentsy for $99 plus tax and shipping charges and Scentsy will send you a Starter Kit.  The Scentsy Starter Kit will include some Scentsy products as well as business tools for you such as business cards, brochures, catalogs, and even a personalized website where customers can place orders.  This website is located on the Scentsy domain (you can view mine by clicking on the "shop online" links or by clicking here).   The website is free for 3 months when you sign up and only $10 a month after that if you want to continue to use it.  All of the items in the Scentsy Starter Kit are designed to help you learn about all of the Scentsy products and to become a successful consultant and be able to start selling Scentsy right away.

Sell Scentsy

Pick the Best Scentsy Sponsor

The next step is very important if you really want to run a successful Scentsy business and make money.  When you sign up with Scentsy you are signed up with a sponsor.  If you sign up through my website, then I will be your Scentsy Sponsor and will help you have success as a Scentsy Consultant.  The sponsor is there to help you build your business.  Let me teach you about the business, how to talk to customers, and how to plan the months ahead, and how to make a plan for your Scentsy business that will work for you.  It's all free...so make sure you utilize me as your Scentsy sponsor as your best resource.

A good Scentsy Sponsor is much more important than I realized when I signed up.  I lucked out and love my sponsor, and love working with her, but that's not always the case for some.  Choose a sponsor who loves Scentsy and is proud of what they do and passionate about both the products and the business opportunity offered so they can help you.  There's no reason to do this on your own!  Find a Consultant who has been running a Scentsy business for awhile and who have been successful help you do the same.  There's so much to love about Scentsy and so much to learn from a great Scentsy sponsor!

I have an awesome team of Consultants all over the world, so you will fit right in.  You don't have to pick a local sponsor; I can train you by phone, facebook, emails, skype, youtube, etc.  You can even participate in our monthly online team meetings, right from your own computer.  You'll love being a part of The Best Team Ever.

How Do I Change Scentsy Sponsors?

I get asked how to switch a Scentsy Sponsor often, so I'll include this here too... if you sign up to sell Scentsy and you don't like your sponsor, you never hear from her, or you just don't work together well, it's really hard to switch.  Basically, you have to contact Scentsy to have your account cancelled, then go completely inactive (sell nothing) for 6 months more and re-enroll under a new Sponsor of your choice.  Definitely something to think about.

I would love to be your Scentsy Sponsor and promise to work with you the best I can.  I have been a Scentsy Consultant for 4 years now, and can be a great resource to help you.  I love to work with people and find this part of my Scentsy business the most rewarding.  So, come join me!  You'll LOVE it too!

Personalize Your Scentsy BusinessJoin and Sell Scentsy

This is your business so set your own goals and don't be afraid to go slowly, or jump right in.  Everyone has different situations in life so devote the amount of time you can to it and most importantly... enjoy it!  Here are a few tips for How To Get Started Selling Scentsy to help get your Scentsy business up and running too, and I will always be here to help!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me.

I look forward to being your Scentsy Sponsor and working with you!

~ Becky Sattler, Scentsy Star Director
Join my Scentsy Team


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Becky and Dave Sattler ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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