ShopBecky and Dave Sattler - Independent Scentsy Consultants

July 11, 2013

Join Scentsy Australia

Australia Scentsy

Scentsy in Australia!

*UPDATE:  Scentsy has now been open in Australia for 4 months and there are already almost 1,000 Scentsy and Grace Adele consultants!!  The country is simply exploding for Scentsy!  Join Scentsy Australia now and get in while it's still ground level.**

Scentsy Fragrance and Grace Adele Brands are coming to Australia starting September 2013!  Scentsy will sell great in Australia.  This is a huge opportunity to be in on the ground level with Scentsy in Australia.

Join Scentsy in Australia

Contact me for information on how to join and be one of the first Australian Scentsy Consultant ever!  There is lots we can do to get you ready to hit the ground running!

Best Scentsy Mentor

I love to sponsor and mentor new Scentsy Consultants so they have success - it's the favorite part of my job!  I have earned Scentsy's prestigious Annual Mentor Award for sponsoring, mentoring, and training new consultants on my team two years in a row.  I will be committed to helping you succeed with your new Scentsy business in Australia too.  Let's build your successful Scentsy business together!

Join my Scentsy team in Australia and be one of the FIRST Scentsy or Grace Adele Consultants in Australia!  I'll be your sponsor and help you have success!

Know Someone in Australia who would like to join?

I am looking to sponsor and mentor a team of great Scentsy Consultants in Australia and would love to help your friends and family in Australia have success!

If you know someone who is in Australia and might be interested in joining Scentsy Australia on the ground floor as a founder, please have them contact me or send me their information and I would love to talk with them and help them get started!

Having a good sponsor and mentor is so important for success and I would love to help!

Related posts:

~Becky Sattler, Scentsy Star Director
Contact Me


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Fill your life with fragrance®

Becky and Dave Sattler ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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