ShopBecky and Dave Sattler - Independent Scentsy Consultants

Scentsy Mexico FAQ

Scentsy Mexico


¿Qué significan $1,999 para usted?

Alcanzar sus metas. Disfrutar la aventura. Unirse a Scentsy.

En Scentsy queremos inspirar a las personas con deliciosas fragancias que las transporten a lugares maravillosos, y necesitamos la ayuda de gente apasionada como usted.

Si a usted le encanta Scentsy, éste es el momento de comenzar su propio negocio y convertirse en Consultor. He aquí por qué:


Comenzar su negocio Scentsy solamente cuesta $1,999.* Tan pronto como se una a Scentsy, le enviaremos un Kit de Comienzo con todos los productos y materiales de trabajo que necesita para comenzar. Póngase la meta de recuperar su inversion con las comisiones de la reunion de lanzamiento y dé la bienvenida a un nuevo comienzo.


Parece un sueño, ¿verdad? ¿Ser dueño de su propia empresa y trabajar cuando desea? ¿Ganar comisiones de 20% a 36% y bonificaciones por compartir productos que le encantan? ¿Hacer algo divertido junto a personas realmente increíbles (¡sus nuevos amigos!) y ser por fin totalmente independiente?†

Lo parece porque lo es.


Su familia, su comunidad, una necesidad. Queremos ayudarlo a ayudar a la gente y las causas que le importan. Cada temporada, los Consultores Scentsy presentan ideas para un nuevo producto Causa Noble y una nueva organización a la cual respaldar. ¿Le interesa alguna en particular? Deje que Scentsy lo ayude a hacer algo por la comunidad.

Únase a Scentsy hoy!


Dos veces al año, MILLONES de fanáticos de Scentsy desde Idaho hasta Irlanda se reúnen en torno a una nueva colección de fragancias y exploran todas las nuevas maneras de disfrutarlas. Unirse en estos momentos es como lanzar su negocio en la vía rápida.


Y puede dirigir su empresa como usted quiera. Scentsy está constituida por miles de personas increíblemente únicas y apasionadas. Empieza en la oficina central, donde tenemos un equipo grande que trabaja duro todos los días para ayudarlo. Le proporcionamos una enorme variedad de capacitaciones y de herramientas, pero a fin de cuentas, su empresa Scentsy es sólo SUYA.

 *Más impuestos y gastos de envío. El contenido puede variar.
†Los Consultores ganan una comisión de 20% sobre los primeros 1,000 puntos de Volumen Minorista Personal (VMiP) y de 25% por todas las ventas siguientes, además de una bonificación de 9% sobre el Volumen Mayorista Personal basado en el rango, y una bonificación de 5% cuando las ventas mensuales superan los 2,000 puntos de VMiP. También pueden ganar bonificaciones de liderazgo basadas en las ventas de la línea descendente. Todos los años se determinan los requisitos de calificación para los viajes de incentivo.

Beneficios de ser Consultora Scentsy


Scentsy Mexico Frequently Asked Questions

What is Scentsy?

Scentsy is a Direct Sales company that uses Independent Consultants to have home parties to present home fragrance products to party guests.  A consultant can also build their business with fundraisers, selling Scentsy at bazaars and fair booths, catalog parties, and many other fun ways.  As a Scentsy Consultant in Mexico you can sell Scentsy products, as well as recruit and build your own team of Scentsy Mexico consultants!

How do I become a Scentsy Mexico Consultant?

It's easy to sign up to be a Scentsy Mexico Consultant on my website and you can be one of the first ever in all of Mexico!  The Scentsy Fragrance Mexico Starter Kit will cost $1,799 (MXN).

Sell Scentsy in Mexico

How Do I choose the Best Scentsy Mexico Sponsor?

Join Scentsy Mexico

Choosing a good sponsor and mentor is very important; they will be key to helping you build a successful Scentsy business in Mexico.  I would love to be your sponsor and mentor to help ensure you have proper training and help.

I love being a Scentsy mentor and have earned Scentsy's prestigious Annual Mentor Award the past two years.  I will put in the time and effort to support you in your Scentsy business in Mexico as you are one of the founding Consultants in Mexico!

Are there sales requirements or quotas for a Scentsy Mexico Consultant?

Yes, as a Scentsy Mexico Consultant, you will be required to sell 150 PRV every three months.

What tools will I have as a Scentsy Mexico Consultant?

Each Scentsy Mexico Consultant will receive a Scentsy Fragrance Mexico Starter Kit that will contain business materials, marketing materials, and products so you can successfully launch your business.  Each Scentsy Mexico Consultant will also receive a free website for three months.

How often do Scentsy Mexico catalogs change?

Scentsy catalogs are released twice a year:  Fall/Winter catalog in September and Spring/Summer catalog in March.

Where do products ship for Scentsy Mexico?

All Scentsy and Grace Adele products will ship from the Distribution Center in Coppell, Texas.  There will be a 10 business day shipping guarantee for products to arrive in Scentsy Mexico.

How do I buy Scentsy products in Mexico?

You can order straight from my Scentsy website.  Click on the flag in the upper righthand corner to change to the Mexico flag and find all of the authentic Scentsy products you want!  You do not have to attend a party; you can buy Scentsy directly online and it will ship straight to you in Mexico.

What shipping costs will be associated with orders in Mexico?

Mexico WORKSTATION Minimum Maximum Shipping Charge

Individual Order  
$0.01 - $599.99 = $120
$600 - $2,799.99 = 20%
Party Order $2,800 - Unlimited = FREE

Party Order - Direct Ship
$0.01 - $599.99 = $120
$600 - Unlimited = 20%

Scentsy Family Store Order
$0.01 - $799.99 = $150
$800 - Unlimited = FREE

Mexico PERSONAL WEBSITE (PWS) Minimum Maximum Shipping Charge

PWS Order 
$0.01 - $749.99 = $150
$750 - $2,799.99 = 20%
$2,800 - Unlimited = FREE

PWS Order Attached to a Party
$0.01 - $749.99 = $150
$750 - Unlimited = 20%
*Orders sent directly to a customer instead of to the primary shipping address chosen by the Consultant.
The shipping charges listed are VAT inclusive. Shipments are limited within Mexico.

How are items taxed in Mexico?

Mexico has a Value Added Tax (VAT) of 16 percent. The added tax must be included in the listed price of products. For instance, if a Scentsy Warmer is listed at $43 (AUD), that price includes tax; if a  Grace Adele Bag is listed at $1,485 (MXN), that price is VAT inclusive.

How are commissions calculated in different countries that use different currencies?

Scentsy has a global Compensation Plan designed to support multiple countries. The commission calculation is: PRV x Commission Percentage x Peg Rate = Commission amount in local currency.
Current peg rates:
United States: 1
Australia: 1.3
Mexico: 16



Australia is officially opening to Scentsy!!

Breaking news that dates for Scentsy Australia informal "Meet Scentsy Open House Meetings" are Scentsy in Australiaconfirmed:

  • Sydney, Australia meeting:  Tuesday September 3, 2013   noon - 3pm   Stamford Plaza, Corner of Robey & O’Riordan Sts, Mascot, Sydney
  • Melbourne, Australia meeting:  Wednesday September 4, 2013  noon - 3pm  Hotel Bruce County, 445 Blackburn Rd, Mt. Waverley
  • Brisbane, Australia meeting:  Thursday September 5, 2013  noon - 3pm  Novotel Brisbane, 200 Creek St, Brisbane

Scentsy and Grace Adele Open House in Australia

Come and see the Scentsy and Grace Adele Starter Kits, experience the fantastic products, pick up your own product catalogue and/or Host and Join Brochure, and address any questions you have. Bring your prospective Consultants along, or a friend to keep you company. Pop in for a short time or stay as long as you like at this event.

Come meet Mary Christensen, renowned author, public speaker, and Direct Sales expert who is heading up Scentsy's expansion to Australia!!  I am excited to meet Scentsy's ground-floor Consultants in Australia!

More cities in Australia to have welcome meetings soon

Perspective Australia Scentsy Consultants in Canberra, Adelaide, Central Coast, Hobart, Perth, and Northern Queensland and other areas - we will get to your area as soon as we can - watch this space!

Join Scentsy Australia

Starter Kit Cost: $139 (AUD)

Products Ship From: Distribution center within Australia

Join Scentsy in Australia September 1 and be one of the FIRST Scentsy or Grace Adele Consultants in Australia!  I'll be your sponsor and help you have success!

Australia Scentsy Starter Kit (acutal scents and warmers may vary):Scentsy Starter Kit

  • Scentsy Category Cards Spring/Summer 2013 (AU-EN) 1
  • Scentsy Customer Order Forms (AU-EN) 1
  • Scentsy Family Consultant Guide Spring/Summer 2013 (AU-EN) 1
  • Scentsy Product Lists Spring/Summer 2013 (AU-EN) 1
  • Scentsy Spring/Summer 2013 Catalogues (AU-EN) 1
  • Scentsy Spring/Summer 2013 Party Invitations (AU-EN) 1
  • Jane Scentsy Warmer PREMIUM
  • 2-pin Cord Black (AU) 1
  • Luna Layers Body Spray 1
  • Sunkissed Citrus Layers Hand Cream 1
  • A Wink & A Smile Scentsy Bar
  • Rio Beach Scent Pak 1
  • Spring/Summer 2013 Full Party Tester Set (Australia) 1
  • Chika the Cheetah Scentsy Buddy 1

Choose the Best Scentsy Mentor

I would love to be your sponsor and mentor - it's the favorite part of my job!  I have earned Scentsy's prestigious Annual Mentor Award for sponsoring, mentoring, and training new consultants on my team two years in a row now.  I will be committed to helping you succeed with your new Scentsy business in Australia too!

For more information about Scentsy in Australia, see my post about Australia Scentsy FAQ and Information.

~Becky Sattler, Scentsy Star Director
Contact Me with questions or sign up now!

Scentsy Australia FAQ

You can be the first Scentsy Family consultant in AustraliaJoin Scentsy Australia

Starting 1 September 2013, Australian residents can enroll and be the first in Australia to start their own Scentsy business. What an exciting time to join Scentsy and be one of the first Australian Scentsy consultants ever!  To help you get started and ensure your success, I am here to help as your sponsor and would love to have you join my team.  I have a proven track record of success as a Scentsy sponsor, mentor, and top trainer.  I earned Scentsy's prestigious Annual Mentor Award for the past two years and will help you be successful too!

I have also made a few posts about joining Scentsy in Australia to help you find all of the information you need to get started with a bang!

I have been a Scentsy Consultant for over 5 years and am very active with my business.  I provide a lot of training an personal support to ensure success and mentoring for all of my team  members.  I would love to have you join my team and help you be one of the founding Scentsy Consultants in Australia!  As an Independent Scentsy Consultant, you’ll not only be embarking on an exciting new business opportunity, enjoying flexible hours, the ability to earn income, and the satisfaction of connecting people you care about with products you believe in. You’ll also be one of the founding members in a brand new country. Now is the time to join.

How much do Starter Kits cost for new Consultants in Australia?

The Scentsy Fragrance Starter Kit for Australia is $139 (AUD). The Grace Adele Starter Kit for Australia is $289 (AUD). They are based on the current Region 1 Starter Kits, and will include roughly the same items. These items are subject to change. See current Starter Kit contents here.

What are the product offerings for Scentsy Fragrance and Grace Adele in Australia?

Scentsy Fragrance and Grace Adele will launch with a narrowed product offering in Australia.

What are the Host Reward levels in Australia?

Guest Sales-Australia** $220-349 $350-599 $600-1,399 $1,400+
Free Product 10% 10% 15% 15%
Half-Price Items 1 2 3 4

**Host Rewards are GST inclusive

Where will products ship from?

We will ship products to Australian Consultants and customers from within Australia. Our policy to ship all orders within 10 business days of the order date will extend to these new countries.

What shipping costs will be associated with orders in Australia?

How are items taxed in Australia?

Australia employs a Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10 percent to most goods and services. The added tax must be included in the listed price of products. For instance, if a Scentsy Warmer is listed at $43 (AUD), that price includes tax.

How are commissions calculated in different countries that use different currencies?

Scentsy has a global Compensation Plan designed to support multiple countries. The commission calculation is: PRV x Commission Percentage x Peg Rate = Commission amount in local currency.

Current peg rates:

United States: 1

Australia: 1.3

Will there be awards and incentives for Consultants in Australia?

Yes. The Scentsy Family Consultant Guide will include specifics about each of the awards and how to achieve them.

How will new Consultants in Australia be supported?

We will have dedicated Consultant Support teams for each new country. This way we can ensure that our Consultant Support Representatives are knowledgeable about the new markets, and that our hours of operation will match normal business hours in Australia.

Will Scentsy Family Store products be available? Scentsy Family Store products will be available at launch. These include catalogs; order forms; Host Rewards brochures; Buy, Host, and Join brochures; business cards; and labels. We will let you know about other items as we get closer to launch.

What other tools will be available to new Consultants?

Scentsy Consultants in Australia will have similar tools to their U.S. and Canadian counterparts. They will have a Workstation and the ability to subscribe to a Personal Website (PWS). New Consultant Starter Kits specific to Australia will be sent to new recruits in their country.

Will Scentsy Family host welcome meetings in Australia?

Yes. We are planning to host welcome meetings in Australia. We encourage anyone to attend.  Click here to see the list of times and places for Open House meetings in Australia.

Already know you want to be part of the Scentsy Family?

If you are a resident of Australia and ready to join, on 1 September 2013, you can enroll to be on my team here.

Sell Scentsy


Scentsy Australia Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’m not really a salesperson. Can I still be good at this?

A: At Scentsy, it’s all about relationships, not hard-sell tactics. If you enjoy socializing and sharing Scentsy products with friends and family, you have all the qualifications you need to succeed.

In fact, the complete lack of sales pressure and the simplicity of our products are the main reasons so many Scentsy customers decide to become Consultants. They find themselves enjoying a party experience instead of having to sit through a typical sales presentation and suddenly realize, ‘Hey — I can do this’! Even brand new Consultants feel comfortable and confident right from the start.

Q: What are the advantages of direct selling?

A: The freedom of being your own boss, the flexibility to set your own schedule and work as many (or as few) hours as you choose, and the limitless potential for success are just a few of the reasons people take up direct selling. And anyone can do it! You don’t need a degree or a background in sales or a big chunk of start-up capital. Direct selling is an easy, enjoyable way to earn extra income.

Q: Why should I join Scentsy instead of another direct selling company?

A: We strive to bring true value to the world and ‘contribute more than we take’ in relationships with our Consultants, customers, and in our communities. We are an active member of the U.S. Direct Selling Association (DSA), an industry organization founded to promote and uphold the highest level of business ethics and service to consumers.

Why is DSA membership so important? Because it means that Scentsy Consultants, Hosts, and customers can be confident about doing business with a company they can trust.

Q: How do I get started?

A: Contact me today and let's get you all ready to start off running. Starting 1 September 2013 you’ll be able to visit my website and sign up online. We’ll send your Scentsy Fragrance Starter Kit for just $139 (AUD). It includes tester fragrances, business supplies, and demo products. Your Sponsor will help you get started and show you how to make the most of Scentsy’s training and support tools.

Once you join a Consultant’s team, you’ll receive your Scentsy Starter Kit, which includes everything you need to launch your business, for just $139 (AUD)!

Q: How much can I expect to earn?

A: The amount you can earn depends completely on how much time and energy you want to invest. Consultants make 20-25% commission on their own sales as well as additional bonuses on the sales of other Consultants they sponsor. Some of our Consultants opt to sell just enough to get their Scentsy products at a discount, while our SuperStar Directors can make six-figure incomes per year.

Q: What other benefits does Scentsy offer to Consultants?

A: Every Scentsy Consultant gets a free website for three full months ($13/month after that), a free online Workstation to organize and run her or his business, free credit card processing, no inventory to manage, and free shipping on orders over $220.

Q: What kind of support and training does Scentsy provide?

A: At Scentsy, consultants are truly sponsored and mentored, not just recruited. Along with support from your Sponsor and your upline Director, you’ll get access to web-based training tools and an online forum for connecting with fellow Consultants. We’ll send you a New Consultant Start-Up Guide, promotional products, and marketing tools.

Scentsy’s fully-staffed Consultant Support Department is available every weekday from 8:00 to 16:00 (GMT) to answer your questions. We also hold an annual Convention and seasonal training and networking events.

Q: Are there any scripts to memorize or a dress code for parties?

A: Definitely not! We do provide great training tools and advice on how to have a successful party, but the way you run your parties — and your business — is entirely up to you. From formal presentations to completely unstructured gatherings to one-on-one visits, the choice is yours. We intentionally keep our product line and pricing simple because that makes it easy for our Consultants to relax and be themselves.

Q: Will I be obligated to meet any sales quotas?

A: Consultants are encouraged to be engaged and actively participate in their Scentsy Family business. Scentsy processes account cancellations on the 1st of every month for those accounts that have not generated sales resulting in 150 points or more in PRV in at least one calendar month in a rolling three-month period.

Q: What if this just doesn’t work for me?

A: At Scentsy we realize that, even with the best of intentions on both sides, not all partnerships are meant to be. As a Consultant or a Host you’re free to leave Scentsy at any time. There is no cancellation penalty.

When will Consultants be able to sell and sponsor in Australia?

We will open for sales and new enrollments on 1 Sept. 2013

How do new Consultants enroll?

To give new Consultants in Australia the greatest opportunity for success, we’re offering them the option to sign up under a current Scentsy Consultant, or to enroll under Scentsy Family for the first six months. I have been with Scentsy for five years and have an international team in the US, Canada, Germany, the UK, and various APO locations all over the world. I welcome the opportunity to work with new Australian consultants.  Learn more about me here. On 1 Sept. 2013 you’ll be able to join my team here.

New Consultants who choose to enroll under Scentsy Family will be encouraged to join another Consultant’s team as soon as they find a Sponsor they’re comfortable with. After the first six months, all new Consultants must be sponsored by another Consultant.

 Sell Scentsy in Australia

~Becky Sattler, Scentsy Star Director
Contact Me with questions or to get started!

Scentsy Family Reunion 2014

SFR2014 St. Louis Missouri

Scentsy Family Reunion St. Louis 2014

The Scentsy Convention for 2014 was just announced... get ready to head to St. Louis, Missouri on July 7-12, 2014!   Scentsy holds an annual convention (we call it our Scentsy Family Reunion!) and rotates locations each year to allow for bigger venues as the numbers grow, as well as to enable more Scentsy Consultants to attend in their regional area.

St. Louis, Missouri Scentsy Convention

Next year Scentsy Convention is coming to Saint Louis, Missouri.  The convention is an exciting time for Scentsy Consultants to get together and strengthen relationships, as well as receive top-notch training and motivation from their Corporate leaders as well as industry leading experts.  It's also a time for introducing new productss for the upcoming Fall/Winter catalog, and the annual incentive trip location is also announced.

It is truly a time of motivation and inspiration and leaves us as Scentsy Consultants ready to rededicate ourselves to growing a successful, sustainable Scentsy business.  I love it because the principles and values of Scentsy as a company also inspire me to be a better person in general as well as the drive to grow my Scentsy business.

Want to see what it's all about?  Come join my Scentsy team and you, too can see what Scentsy Family Reunions are all about!


~Becky Sattler,
Scentsy Star Director

Best Scentsy Sponsor and Mentor

Scentsy Awards Reception Invitation

Scentsy Consultant Becky Sattler earned Annual Mentor Award and Awards Reception invitation.

I love being a Scentsy Consultant and one of my favorite aspects of my job is recruiting, sponsoring, and mentoring new team members.  In 2011, I made it my goal to earn Scentsy's Annual Mentor award, Scentsy's highest award for it's top performing sponsors and mentors. To earn this award I had to personally recruit 20 new Consultants to my team during one year and help them be active in their new business! Typically, less than 1% of Scentsy Consultants earn this Award every year so I knew I had my work cut out for me! So, I made a plan and implemented a lot of changes within my business to help me achieve my goal and made sure that each new Scentsy Consultant that joined my team had the personalized mentoring they needed to help them succeed with their own Scentsy business.  It was an awesome endeavor and I was pleased to achieve my goal... I earned the Annual Mentor at the Scentsy Annual Convention in Las Vegas in 2012!

Scentsy Annual Mentor Award

Annual Mentor AwardThe next year I continued that goal, even though the qualifications changed a bit. I now had to personally sponsor 20 new team members AND help them reach their first promotion to Certified Consultant within the year timeframe.  I focused on recruiting and made more improvements to my development programs and I was able to help 28 new consultants reach that level in just one year!! I was so happy to earn the Annual Mentor Award again at Scentsy Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana 2013.  Earning Scentsy's Annual Mentor Award is my favorite accomplishment with Scentsy.

Sign up to join and sell Scentsy with me and I'll be your mentor to help you build a successful Scentsy Family business too!

Every year since 2012, I have earned the Annual Mentor Award at the Scentsy Convention helping over 60 people, all over the world, earn the rank of Certified Consultant and get an instant pay raise of 5%! This last year, 2016, was my fifth year in a row earning the Annual Mentor Award. I really enjoy helping driven, new Consultants launch their business, start building a team, and become leaders.

Scentsy Annual Mentor Award

Join Scentsy - Become a Scentsy Consultant

Have you ever thought of becoming a Scentsy Consultants and looking for a good mentor?! I'd love to have you join my team! Simply follow the link to join my amazing team and kickstart your own Scentsy business! Become a Scentsy Consultant today

Want to learn more about the Scentsy Starter Kit?

Want to get my tips for starting your new Scentsy business?

~Becky Sattler,
Scentsy Star Director

Australia Scentsy

Scentsy in Australia!

*UPDATE:  Scentsy has now been open in Australia for 4 months and there are already almost 1,000 Scentsy and Grace Adele consultants!!  The country is simply exploding for Scentsy!  Join Scentsy Australia now and get in while it's still ground level.**

Scentsy Fragrance and Grace Adele Brands are coming to Australia starting September 2013!  Scentsy will sell great in Australia.  This is a huge opportunity to be in on the ground level with Scentsy in Australia.

Join Scentsy in Australia

Contact me for information on how to join and be one of the first Australian Scentsy Consultant ever!  There is lots we can do to get you ready to hit the ground running!

Best Scentsy Mentor

I love to sponsor and mentor new Scentsy Consultants so they have success - it's the favorite part of my job!  I have earned Scentsy's prestigious Annual Mentor Award for sponsoring, mentoring, and training new consultants on my team two years in a row.  I will be committed to helping you succeed with your new Scentsy business in Australia too.  Let's build your successful Scentsy business together!

Join my Scentsy team in Australia and be one of the FIRST Scentsy or Grace Adele Consultants in Australia!  I'll be your sponsor and help you have success!

Know Someone in Australia who would like to join?

I am looking to sponsor and mentor a team of great Scentsy Consultants in Australia and would love to help your friends and family in Australia have success!

If you know someone who is in Australia and might be interested in joining Scentsy Australia on the ground floor as a founder, please have them contact me or send me their information and I would love to talk with them and help them get started!

Having a good sponsor and mentor is so important for success and I would love to help!

Related posts:

~Becky Sattler, Scentsy Star Director
Contact Me

Mexico Scentsy

Scentsy is coming to Mexico!!

So excited to announce that September 1, 2013 Scentsy Fragrance and Grace Adele brands will open in Mexico!

Join Scentsy in Mexico

Contact me for information or to get ready to sign up and be the first Mexico Scentsy Consultant ever!!  If you know someone who might be interested in joining Scentsy in Mexico too, I'd love your referral!

More info on selling Scentsy in Mexico and FAQ.

Sell Scentsy in Mexico

The exciting news is that if you live in the United States and Canada, you can recruit and sponsor new team members in Mexico, but you can also sell Scentsy in Mexico if you sign the cross-border agreement!  What exciting news!

Buy Scentsy in Mexico

If you live in Mexico and would like to buy Scentsy, I can help!  Give me a call or order Scentsy in Mexico online on my website and it will ship to you in Mexico starting September 1, 2013.

~Becky Sattler,
Scentsy Star Director

Scentsy Corporate Anniversary Happy 9th birthday, Scentsy!

My, you've come a long way in just nine short years!  From such humble beginnings and starting off in an ocean container to a beautiful, huge Scentsy Corporate campus with hundreds of thousands of Scentsy Consultants all over the world!

I love being a part of the Scentsy company and am thankful for the past 5 1/2 years as a part of the Scentsy Family!  Such amazing growth, and a huge wonderful impact on my own family.

Join the Scentsy Celebration

Join in the celebration... join Scentsy!  You will love it too!  Come be a part of something big - and getting bigger by the day!!

~Becky Sattler, Scentsy Star Director
Contact Me
Join my Scentsy Team

Scentsy Scent of the Month: Watermelon Mint Scentsy Bar

Scentsy Watermelon Mint Scent of the Month July 2013Watermelon Mint Scentsy Bar:  A chilled slice of sweet watermelon, sprinkled with bracing fresh mint, makes a refreshing summer treat.

Watermelon Mint just debuted and is already a huge hit!  You’re sure to love this one!

Each month Scentsy offers a Scentsy Fragrance of the Month so check back for August’s Scent of the Month and scent review.

See more Scentsy Scents on the product page.

Buy Watermelon Mint Scentsy Bar

Related post:

Scentsy Warmer of the Month Lighthouse


“Lighthouse” Scentsy Warmer of the Month


Buy Scentsy Warmer of the Month: Lighthouse

Lighthouse captures a windswept landmark in incredible detail, from its navy-and-white stripes to its window shutters and front door. A warmer dish is cleverly hidden inside Lighthouse’s beacon.

A safe candle: 25-watt lightbulb melts the Scentsy wax cubes in the dish on top to make your whole room smell good, with no fire danger, soot, or smoke.  Each month Scentsy offers a Scentsy Warmer and fragrance of the month, so check back for August's Scent of the Month.

See the previous Scentsy Warmer of the Month for June 2013.

Scentsy Warmer of the Month Lighthouse

Buy “Lighthouse” Scentsy Warmer of the Month July 2013
Buy Scentsy Warmer of the Month

Related post:

Scentsy Bar Watermelon Mint Scent of the Month


Fill your life with fragrance®

Becky and Dave Sattler ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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