ShopBecky and Dave Sattler - Independent Scentsy Consultants

The Value of Recruiting

The Value of Sponsoring

If you are considering starting your own Scentsy business or are currently a Direct Sales consultant this is for you.  Whether you are having a hard time growing your team, or even just catching the vision of why you should recruit, hopefully this will help! 

When I say "recruit", I am referring to the intentional actions of growing your team, but of course that implies that you will mentor and help them have success along the way. 

I will show you why you should grow a team, the income potential from maximizing the compensation plan to take advantage of earning Leadership Bonuses, and tools for recruiting, along with some challenges to put it all in practice.   

"Why should I recruit?"

The same reason that you decided to join is the reason you should recruit and grow a team! Most likely you had some goal in mind for your business, and that helped you sign up.  Your efforts toward those goals are multiplied and made possible only by recruiting and growing a team.  

Why would someone want to join Direct Sales?

Here are a handful of reasons someone might join, and how recruiting is the key to attaining those purposes:

  1. Money/time (make way more money with a team, that leads to freedom… time to quit your job or time to do what you love)
  2. Travel (earn trips by recruiting and promoting)
  3. Recognition (earn promotions, awards)
  4. Social (more fun with a team, and you’ll also find some of your best friends at SFR, on incentive trips, at Leadership)
  5. Impact/Influence (much harder without a team!  Who do you influence? LOL)
  6. Self-improvement/Self-Confidence (didn’t know I was joining for THIS!  Didn’t know it would be the most valuable and favorite part of my Scentsy business; you can make money anywhere… but not everything makes your confidence.  Not everything builds you personally and helps you grow. People PAY for self-improvement classes, if you work it right, you can make money with Scentsy and have a great springboard to your personal journey!)

CYCLE: recruit and help them grow, continually recruiting to grow and expand (always better than a sale! Lead with the join opportunity).  Grow wide (increase your own personal recruits) and help them grow deep (help them all recruit). I missed out on many downline bonuses because they promoted Directors before I could tap into that bonus by being SD or SSD, but growth and momentum is always good!  Help THEM be as successful as they can...even if you miss out on their bonus… and continue to grow so you can capture that downline bonus as soon as you can. It’s a LONG game mentality.

GOAL = SSD just means that you find four people who want to get to Director and you help them get there!

Paid at Title

Make sure your goal is to always be paid at title.  (You’ll never miss a paycheck, you’ll never miss a promotion and get tons of points for incentives!)  What does it take to be Paid At Title (PAT)?  There are three requirements each month to be PAT.  If you have promoted to a higher rank but don't have all of the requirements that month to be paid at that rank, you will be paid at the level you achieve for that month.  There aren't any penalties for not being paid at title, you just only earn the leadership bonuses based on your current rank for that month.  

  • 500 PRV - personal retail volume
  • Active FL  - frontline = your personal recruits (help them actively work and grow their business; if you don’t have FL, that’s why you need to recruit!)
  • TWV  - team wholesale volume; 75% of combined team PRV (the bigger the team, the easier that is to get there, and the easier it is to reach that each month)

How Much Can You Make as a Scentsy Consultant?

This is Scentsy's Income Disclosure Statement showing maximum annual pay for each Scentsy rank.  You can see the vast difference in pay as you climb the ranks, with the huge jump in max annual commission at SuperStar Director. (This is WHY you promote and aim for SSD!!)

*I am required by the government to post this Scentsy Income Disclosure Statement stating that results vary, and nothing is guarantee of income.  Having said that, these are my real income graphs so it really is possible if you work hard!  

Scentsy Income Disclosure










Actual Scentsy Paycheck Breakdown

This chart below is MY actual income graph showing the breakdown of where my paycheck comes from: income from personal sales vs. downline leadership bonus pay.  My graph in particular is from being paid as Escential Consultant through all of the ranks up to Star Director. Scentsy Paycheck breakdownScentsy Commission Check by source



























Recruiting is about Mindset

Imagine your life if it were everything you dream of! What is keeping you from that dream? What is keeping you from recruiting? 

Recruiting is about MINDSET, not even necessarily the SKILLS.  If you WANT it badly enough, you’ll find a way to make it happen!  YOU have your own unique personality, which means your own unique way of recruiting!  If you use someone else's way, it will get you started, but you have to make it yours to be effective and non-spammy!  That comes from passion and practice!

HOW To Recruit:

Put on your recruiting glasses!  You see what you look for.  When I DECIDED to strive to earn Annual Mentor, my whole business completely changed.  When I joined in 2008 and didn't really make much progress in growing my team until I started my recruiting focus in 2012.  I was determined to grow my team, and I earned Annual Mentor in 2012! 

I earned the Annual Mentor Award again in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and missed 2017 by my last recruit to put in 30 PRV… but I earned it again in 2018.  Choosing to focus on growing my team and recruiting changed my business in every way.  I also earned my first incentive trip in 2012 to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic and haven't missed earning a single incentive trip since then! 

Once you decide that you WILL grow, you will find and create the best ways for you to recruit.  Whatever you do, it must be authentic and genuine so it doesn't feel spammy. 

Don't be spammy

Recruiting can be a natural, generous way to offer something amazing that you have found.  Don't decide for them; our job is to invite and offer the opportunity to join you, then let them decide. 

How to find someone to join

Here are my 2 TOP SECRETS to how I do it!  When I started using these two methods, my recruiting completely changed and was way more effective.  These are the keys; you have to apply them in the scenarios you choose.  


    1. “You would be great at Scentsy because…”  Look for one true, unique quality or character trait that would make them successful if they chose to run a  Scentsy business. (NOT how Scentsy would be good for them; how THEY would be good for Scentsy.) Express confidence and share what you see in them.
      1. 3 sentences:  you would be great at Scentsy because___,
      2. express confidence in THEM that they will be great,
      3. give them confidence in YOU, that you’ll help them
    2. Doesn’t have to be scent-related (organization skills, great social media presence, friendly, run a business, connector, social personality, fundraiser, etc).  Current customers and hosts are a great place to look, but don’t count out others… like ME!
    3. The more you train yourself to look for the good qualities in others, the more you’ll see it!  Even if they don’t join, you’ll give them a gift of an honest compliment and they will feel good about themselves.

    1. Referrals “who do you know…” ask at parties, customers, friend conversations; this is how I got 30 good referrals for Australia when it was opening up!  This is a great way to get referrals, but it also takes the pressure off of the person you're asking, and often they admit that they have been thinking of joining.
    2. Can be in a conversation, but you should also think of a system that will help your customers know what you want from them - sticker on your products saying to post and tag you, postcard explaining your referral program and rewards, mention it in your customer newsletter, post a graphic in your VIP page, etc.

PRACTICE makes progress

  1. Turn to your neighbor and think of one UNIQUE reason they would be good at Scentsy and tell them!  (Use the 3 sentences, and ask!)

“You are so organized and would be so great at running a business!  I can see you really being so successful as a business owner, you would be perfect at this!  I will be here to help you the whole way, we can do it together; it’ll be so fun! Have you ever thought about starting a business?”

  1. Now turn to your other neighbor and ask for a referral!  “Who do you know that___?”
  2. Find some friends to practice and role play good examples (who wants to come up and show us how it went?)  

Scenario role play practice: (which approach are you going to use, what are you going to say?)

  • At a party
  • With a customer
  • Chatting with a friend

You can be a successful recruiter

It was Scentsy Convention 2009 in Salt Lake City and I had been a consultant for about 18 months.   My rank at the time was a Lead, and at that even they were presenting big awards and even giving away cars on stage.  This got me wondering about my potential do be successful with the business too, and I asked my husband, “Do you think this will ever be me?”.  My reason for joining was to pay off grad school student loans and have a little money for extras.  However, I didn't have the vision or belief that I really could make it work much bigger than just the helpful little income I was making at the time. 

I had no idea that I would go on to earn my own awards, trips, and even support my family with our Scentsy income after my husband was laid off from his job.  I couldn't see it then, but it really would be me... and it can be you too! 

DREAM BIG!  You CAN do it!  Don’t be afraid of success, don’t be afraid of failure, don’t be afraid to share this awesome opportunity!  You love Scentsy enough to be a consultant and make that investment and commitment to build your Scentsy business, so don’t keep it to yourself!  Share and let them decide if the time is right to join. Our job is simply to extend the offer!

Personal Action Plan

What are you going to do differently?  What’s your plan? Take-away or ahas?

WRITE down your own Direct and Indirect Approaches and practice.  Practice with your family, your neighbors, your dog, your team.

Want a little more?  Here's a video of me presenting to a group of Scentsy Consultants about the value of recruiting, but explaining the why and how of recruiting!

~Becky Sattler,

Scentsy SuperStar Director

Scentsy World Tour 2019 Scentsy World Tour 2019

Join a Scentsy World Tour event for consultant training and product reveals.  The Scentsy Spring Training in the US used to be Scentsy Spring Sprint, but Scentsy changed it to Scentsy World Tour to all be uniform across all Scentsy regions.  So, we now have one big Scentsy World Tour!

Home Office Training

Scentsy corporate home office is traveling the globe on a Scentsy tour to showcase the latest Spring/Summer 2019 products and provide training to help you set your Scentsy business on a course for success.

Products and Trainings

Each Scentsy World Tour event includes on-site training and a sneak peek at the upcoming products in the new catalog.  The Scentsy home office team is circling the globe to provide training and showcase the latest Spring/Summer 2019 products to set your business on a course for success.


Between Jan. 26 and Feb. 18, we’ll be stopping in 52 cities to see our favorite people (that includes YOU!) to reveal new products, share company updates and provide training to help you grow your Scentsy business. You’ll also get to mingle with top Consultants in your area, to see — and sniff — all the new products and even learn how to use the latest tools to reach your goals.

So where are we going on our Scentsy World Tour 2019? Check it out!


Alabama: Mobile – Feb. 14
Arizona: Glendale – Feb. 12
California: Anaheim – Feb. 14
California: San Jose – Feb. 16
Colorado: Golden – Feb. 7
Florida: Orlando – Feb. 16
Georgia: Atlanta – Feb. 12
Idaho: Meridian – Jan. 28
Indiana: Indianapolis – Feb. 2
Iowa: Des Moines – Jan. 30
Maine: Portland – Feb. 9
Maryland: National Harbor – Feb. 6
Minnesota: Minneapolis – Jan. 26
Missouri: Kansas City – Feb. 7
Missouri: St. Louis – Feb. 2
New Mexico: Las Cruces – Feb. 9
New York: Syracuse – Feb. 7
North Carolina: Raleigh – Feb. 9
Ohio: Columbus – Feb. 5
Oklahoma: Norman – Feb. 9
Tennessee: Memphis – Feb. 4
Texas: Dallas – Feb. 16
Texas: Houston – Feb. 14
Texas: Helotes – Feb. 12
Utah: Salt Lake City – Jan. 26
Washington: Tacoma – Feb. 2
Washington: Vancouver – Jan. 30
Wisconsin: Milwaukee – Jan. 28


Alberta: Edmonton – Feb. 2
British Columbia: Abbotsford – Feb. 4
Nova Scotia: Halifax – Jan. 30
Ontario: Mississauga – Jan. 26
Québec: Québec City – Jan. 28

Puerto Rico: San Juan – Feb. 13

Scentsy Mexico:
Mexico City – Feb. 16

Scentsy Europe:



Bideford – Jan. 30
Durham – Jan. 28
Stratford-upon-Avon – Jan. 31
Northern Ireland: Belfast – Feb. 2
Scotland: Glasgow – Jan. 26


Austria: Vienna – Feb. 15
France: Paris – Feb. 7


Frankfurt – Feb. 13
Hamburg – Feb. 14
Nuremburg – Feb. 11

Scentsy Spain:

Alicante – Feb. 9

Scentsy Australia and New Zealand:

New Zealand: Auckland – Feb. 7


Adelaide – Feb. 11
Brisbane – Feb. 16
Melbourne – Feb. 9
Perth – Feb. 13
Sydney – Feb. 18


Registration is $80 USD/$105 CAD and includes training from the home office and Scentsy peers, as well as a Scentsy World Tour Product and Sample Kit filled with a selection of products and business tools! 
Bring as many guests as you’d like for just $30 USD/$40 CAD each. They’ll experience Scentsy Spirit firsthand and even participate in the giveaways. No one will leave empty handed! 
Registration will opened on the Events tab of your Workstation on Nov. 13, 2018 and closed Jan. 11, 2019.  If a location is not sold out, Scentsy is accepting walk-in registrations this year. 
Make sure you register to join us at Scentsy World Tour 2019!
Not a Scentsy Consultant but you would like to be, and join in on fun trainings and experiences like World Tour?  Come join me and start your own Scentsy business today!
~ Becky and Dave Sattler
Scentsy Star Directors

10 Ways to Work Your Scentsy Business Ways to work your Scentsy business

I love home parties and think they are a great way to run your business, but there are many ways to sell Scentsy in addition to home parties.

"Can I run a successful Scentsy business without home parties?"

Have you ever been interested in starting a Scentsy business (or other Direct Sales business), but found yourself wondering if you had to have home parties to make it work? If so, here's an article just for you! 

Ten Ways to Sell Scentsy

I have compiled a list of 10 ways to grow your Scentsy business without having to host tons of home parties... or bug your family and friends.

These are just a few ideas, but of course there are many ways to run your Scentsy business. (Just make sure you stay in compliance and avoid things like selling on eBay.)

1. Realtors

Realtors - you can work with them home staging, as well as new homebuyer gift baskets.  We can bundle their purchases to get them the best deal. They will most likely be buying a bunch at once, so you can really help make the most of the bundles for them.  Enter the items they want as a party order to give them the host rewards and shipping discount. 

Make sure you label the products with your consultant information, so the homebuyer can come back to you to buy more Scentsy. 

Another spin off to this approach is to work with a housing or apartment complex.  See if they will allow you to leave a warmer in the office with your info, a ballot box to draw for a prize, or even to add a flyer or samples to a new tenant bag.

2. Vendor events

Vendor events are perfect for networking and getting outside of your current circle.  Make sure you don’t just use it as a way to sell Scentsy, but also look for new team members. 

They are also a great way to schedule other party bookings so you get multiple benefits from the event!

3. Corporate Gifting

Corporate gifting includes working with business owners for their gift giving or incentives.  Find professionals like orthodontists who give gifts to referring dentists, or companies who give work anniversary gifts, holidays, business giveaways and incentives, etc.

4. Break Room Work Parties

This is a fun one.  Bring the Scentsy party to them!  Lunch work parties are a simple party setup you bring at lunch in the break room. 

Nobody has to go anywhere or clean their house, and it's a fun way to spend the lunch hour.  

5. Fundraisers

Fundraisers are a super way for any organization to make money for their cause.  Some ideas of where to look for fundraiser groups are sports teams, schools, choirs, pet rescues, dance teams, etc.

6. Online

Online is a great way to expand your business.  This includes creating a blog, finding bloggers to do a product review for you, or making videos for a YouTube channel. 

It can also include social media efforts, with things like creating a following on Instagram, sharing to a Facebook page, creating a private Facebook VIP group, or even hosting facebook parties online. 

7. Referrals

Referrals are such a great way to leverage your happy customers.  They love you and will introduce you to their friends as well.  Make sure to ask your current customers for referrals, sometimes they won't even think to share. 

Another great source of referrals is to have customers post pictures of their new products on social media and tag you.  That way their friends can see their personal recommendation and decide they need it too! 

8. Customer Service

Good customer care and follow up will make a big impact in your business. Taking good care of current customers allows you to keep the customers you have. That way you don’t have to find as many new ones. Make it easy for them to continue to buy from you!

9. Basket Parties

Basket parties are basically a catalog party, with a basket of samples or product testers.  You can book local basket party hosts, and also mail them away if you choose.

Many consultants have multiple sets of simple basket parties circulating all the time to keep sales coming in.  It also helps you expand your network and find new customers and hosts.

10. Build a Team

Recruit!  Build your team!  This one is kind of cheating, because it's technically not a way to sell Scentsy.  It is, however, a great way to make more money with your business.  Scentsy offers leadership bonuses that can greatly increase your paychecks as you lead and grow your team. 

You can’t stop selling and building your team, but recruiting and leading your team will multiply your efforts. You couldn’t possibly sell nearly as much as you would need to make a full-time income from your business.  Leverage the leadership component and find the joy in leading your team to success along with you!

Here are a few other articles to help you be successful with your Scentsy business:  

Thanks for visiting our Scentsy blog!

Becky and Dave Sattler

Scentsy Independent SuperStar Directors

Join Our Scentsy Team 


Scentsy Bath Soak

There is nothing quite like Scentsy Soak to end the day right.  It is a bath product, like a fragranced bath salt.  You can experience spa-worthy relaxation with our premium bath salts to leave you revived, refreshed, and relaxed! The extra benefit is that your bath, whole bathroom and even your skin get to smell like your favorite Scentsy fragrance.

Formulated with pink Himalayan and Epsom salts, premium moisturizers like aloe and sunflower oil, and exclusive fragrances, Scentsy Soak creates a relaxing bath experience like no other. Each bag contains 2 lbs., which will provide multiple uses.

How to use

Pour desired amount of Scentsy Soak under warm, running water.  I usually use about 1 cup in my bath. Then sit and relax in the bath for 20-30 minutes while you enjoy your favorite Scentsy fragrance.  The bath salts help soothe tired, achy muscles, while the moisturizers and fragrance complete the whole bath experience.  

Skin Pampering Bath

Our product is formulated not only with bath salts, but premium moisturizers such as aloe and sunflower oil.  As a result, you get a relaxing, skin-pampering bath experience.

Soothe Tired Muscles

Scentsy Soak is designed to soothe tired muscles, moisturize your skin and help you relax as you bathe.  The Himalayan and Epsom salts provide incredible soothing effects.  My favorite an added feature is authentic Scentsy fragrances so you can make your bath smell so good.  In addition, extra moisturizers leave skin extra soft and smooth.

Exclusive Fragrances

The Soak is available in multiple exclusive Scentsy fragrances.  Choose your favorite Scentsy scent, or try out a new one to create an unforgettable relaxing bath experience. 

In addition to the fragrance, the beautifully colored powder matches the exclusive scent. Don't worry, the coloring will not stain your tub.Scentsy bath soak

shop Scentsy

If you like the whole bath experience, you will love our Scentsy Body Lotion to lock in moisture after your soak.

Other Scentsy Body Products

If you like our Scentsy Soak, check out our other Scentsy Body products. Find products including lotions, hand soap, body wash, fragrance mist, sugar scrub and more. I love that I can have a complete line of body products all in my favorite Scentsy fragrances. 

Body Product Line FAQ

For a full FAQ on our Body line of products, including ingredients list, head over to the Body Products FAQ page.

Product Ingredients

sodium bicarbonate, magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, maltodextrin, sodium chloride, sodium coco-sulfate, helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil, fragrance/fragancia/parfum, butyrospermum parkii (shea) butter, aloe barbadensis leaf juice powder, water/agua/eau, propylene glycol, tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E), olea europaea (olive) fruit oil, phenoxyethanol, carmine (CI 75470), red 40 (CI 16035), blue 1 (CI 42090)

shop Scentsy


Tannenbaum Express Scentsy WarmerTannenbaum Express Scentsy Warmer

The joy of Christmas comes to life with this limited-edition, numbered 2018 Scentsy Tannenbaum Express Warmer — our first to feature music and a moving train! 

Standing tall and majestic, an iconic Christmas tree is trimmed for the season to set the scene. But the real magic happens when you turn the windup key and set the toy train in motion! Watch as it circles the warmer base to the merry sound of “Deck the Halls,” and be sure to add your favorite Scentsy fragrance to create the perfect holiday moment. 

Includes a matching 4-inch Christmas ornament to adorn your tree for years to come!

Only available while supplies last, so don't wait to deck your halls and bring this beautiful Tannenbaum home.

Buy Scentsy

Tannenbaum Express Musical Scentsy Warmer

The Scentsy Whiff Box is a fun themed surprise box that is different each month. Packed full with full-size products, it's a great way to experience many different Scentsy products.

Monthly Subscription Box

Scentsy Whiff Box
Scentsy Monthly Whiff Box


Discover a variety of new, trending and seasonal (full size) products hand-picked by Scentsy each month!

The box is themed, and different each month, so two boxes are never the same.

With your Whiff Box, you’ll get sample and full-size fragrance items from categories like Scentsy Bars, Body, Clean, Laundry and other exclusive products to help you take fragrance on the go.

Try new products

Every month's assortment is different, and brimming with fun surprises. If you are new to Scentsy products, or just want to try more than just Scentsy wax and warmers, this is a great way to branch out. Your box often contains exclusive products, only offered in the Whiff Box as well.

Deal in a Box

My favorite bonus is that your Scentsy Whiff Box will always cost you less than buying its contents individually. It always contains full-sized products that would retail for more than buying the box, and you get the extra bonuses with it!

Perfect Gift Box

The fun box arrives in a stylishly designed package and is finished with a note about your box. Ideal for gift-giving!

Subscription Box

You can purchase a Whiff Box, and know you'll get a uniquely curated box each month. Each month contains products along a fun theme, with a note to explain the theme and give suggestions for use.

If you want to receive a Whiff Box on a regular basis, join Scentsy Club to schedule recurring shipments, to get your subscription box every month. Learn more about Scentsy Club.

Scentsy Whiff Box

You can purchase a Whiff Box, and know you'll get a uniquely curated box each month. If you wish to receive a Box on a regular basis, join Scentsy Club to schedule recurring shipments, like a subscription box. Learn more about Scentsy Club.


Scentsy MONSTER MONDAY flash sale!  

Up to 80% off!

SHOP Scentsy Flash SALE

Hurry!  Scentsy FLASH SALE 24 hours only!

Wanted YOU, my best customer to know about this super duper flash sale... they don't happen often... up to 80% off!   

  • Monday, Oct. 15, 2018 at 9:00 am MDT - Tuesday 9:00 am TODAY!
  • Order online at https://sattler.scentsy.us/shop/c/8372/monster-monday-sale?partyid=9959991  
  • My website will be super busy, and things go fast, so don't wait to check out once you have it in the cart!  (Think Black Friday type shopping!)
  • There might be some new items added as things sell out, so don't be afraid to check back again throughout the sale!

Fill up that gift closet, get a jump on holiday shopping, or splurge on yourself while prices are so low; just don't miss out on Monster Monday! 

Share the exciting news with your friends so they don't miss out on the "scary good deals"!!  

SHOP Scentsy Flash SALEhttps://wicklesscandleshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ca2d118d-8ce9-4a72-a65b-74876608654c.png

THANK YOU for supporting our family business! 
We love being your Scentsy consultants and so appreciate your business!!
- Becky and Dave Sattler


Best time to Become a Scentsy Rep

If you are thinking about joining to start your own Scensty business, now is the best time.  You will get the best value in your Scentsy Starter Kit ever!  

Double Scentsy Starter Kit

With February being the month you get the enhanced bonus Double Starter Scentsy Kit, it really is the best time to join and sell Scentsy to become a Scentsy rep!  

What is the Bonus, Enhanced, Double Scentsy Starter Kit?

The "double" starter kit just means that you get double the number of catalogs and both season's scent testers, since February is the "transition" month between the new Spring/Summer catalog in March and the discontinuing Fall/Winter catalog.  The bonus starter kit is the same price as always, but you get the enhanced kit to get you started in full swing into the new season! 


Let's get you started selling Scentsy

If you join and sell Scentsy now and become a Scentsy Rep on my team, I can help you get started so you can be ready to benefit from the crazy sales and know how to really grow your Scentsy team and move up the ranks.  You'll be amazed at how quickly you can move up and how big your paychecks can be.  It's always a great time to start a Scentsy home based candle business, but here are a few reasons to join now in February:

1.  Bonus Double Starter Kit month (for the same price!)

2.  Scentsy's semi-annual 10% off sale; everyone loves to buy during a sale

3.  Discontinued list comes out and people want to stock up on their faves before they're gone

4.  It's a great time to book parties and get togethers to get out of the house from winter

5.  Excitement for the new catalog that launches in March is high; February is always a great month for sales and recruiting!

6.  Spring season brings fresh, yummy fragrances to welcome in the spring and summer.  Everyone loves to make their home smell fresh and inviting during the spring!

7.  You'll LOVE being a part of our team and won't want to wait any longer!

8. It's a new year! Time to start your new business!


Scentsy is not only a great product, but is even more a wonderful company with which I am so proud to be affiliated.  Scentsy is based on three core values that make it easy for you to be successful:


Scentsy is simple to sell, easy to use, and very straightforward — even to our newest Consultants and customers.


When you join Scentsy, you’re encouraged to run your business, your way. Everyone has a different style, and can bring their unique qualities to the table.


We believe in contributing more than we take in relationships with our community, our customers, and our Consultants.

Become a Scentsy RepJoin our Scentsy Team

We have a wonderful Scentsy team with Consultants all over the US, Canada, Germany, Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Spain, Poland, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and would sure love to have you join us.  Sign up to sell Scentsy today and you can be the newest Scentsy Rep on our team and be lucky enough to get the bonus double Scentsy Starter Kit!  There's always room for more and you'll be in for the ride of your lifetime! To learn more about tips for kickstarting your new Scentsy business follow this link - How to Get Started Selling Scentsy

Still hesitating? Well, that's understandable. Starting your own business can be intimidating. It kind of reminds of jumping off the high diving board at my local pool when I was growing up. It looks SUPER, CRAZY scary. Especially as you're climbing up the stairs to the top. It feels freakishly high. And then you get to the top and, if you're like me, you don't really dive off it, you just kind of step over the edge and let yourself fall straight in. (I save my flips and twirls for the Olympics 🙂 And then after that, you're like, let's do that again! And with Scentsy it is very, very easy to pay off your startup costs in one month which means anything after that is icing on the cake! Sell just $500 PRV in your first month and you've more than covered your startup costs.

Think you've got what it takes? Become a Scentsy Consultant!



Hope you join today!  I look forward to being your Scentsy Sponsor and working with you!  Sign up and get your Scentsy Bonus Double Starter Kit today!

~ Becky Sattler, Scentsy Star Director
Contact Me

Scentsy in Spain

Scentsy Europe is growing very well and Scentsy in Spain is no exception!  The Europe region is the fastest growing for Scentsy currently, and is a great place to become a consultant and start a Scentsy business.  Scentsy has a distribution center in Europe so there are no issues getting products or supplies to Spain, which is a good thing for running a Scentsy business in Spain.Join Scentsy - Become a Scentsy Consultant

Estaré a tu lado durante todo el camino.  Soy un consultor de Scentsy hace 15 anos y puedo ayudarte.  

Here is some information for starting your new Scentsy business in Spain: 

Scentsy Spain Starter Kit - Tu Kit De ComienzoJoin Scentsy Spain

  • Uno de nuestros calentadores más vendidos.
  • Más de ochenta muestras aromáticas.
  • ¡Vende Scentsy online! ¡Tres meses de tu Sitio Web Personal GRATIS! Solo 12 €/mes después de eso.
  • Muestras de productos.
  • MONTONES de materiales de trabajo.
  • ¡Un regalo exclusivo!

*Incluye IVA. Más gastos de envío. El contenido puede variar.

Todo lo que necesitas por 99 €*


¿Qué significa ser Consultor Independiente Scentsy?

Como Consultor Independiente Scentsy, eres el propietario de un negocio independiente autorizado para vender productos de Scentsy a cambio de una comisión. Tienes la libertad de controlar cuándo y dónde desarrollar tu negocio, y puedes aumentar tu comisión vendiendo más productos u obteniendo ingresos residuales de amigos y familiares que hayas reclutado para tu equipo.

¿Cómo me uno?

Basta con que accedas a scentsy.com o al Sitio Web Personal de tu Patrocinador (SWP), hagas clic en “Unirse” en la parte superior de la página de inicio y, a partir de ahí, sigas los pasos del proceso de inscripción. Ten en cuenta que necesitarás una tarjeta de débito o de crédito para pagar tu Kit de Comienzo.

¿Cuánto cuesta convertirse en Consultor Scentsy?

Solo debes pagar el precio actual del Kit de Comienzo (el precio incluye IVA, pero no gastos de envío), y obtendrás un Kit de Comienzo lleno de valiosas herramientas empresariales y muestras de productos.¿Qué incluye el Kit de Comienzo?
Kit de Comienzo incluye todo lo necesario para iniciar tu negocio de Scentsy: uno de nuestros calentadores más vendidos, más de ochenta muestras de cera perfumada, catálogos, formularios de pedido, tres meses de tu propio SWP, muestras de productos y mucho más. (El contenido puede variar).

¿Cuáles son los requisitos para unirse?

Debes tener la edad legal o ser mayor de edad en tu país de residencia en el momento de la inscripción. Debes residir legalmente en el país donde desees inscribirte y tener un número de identificación fiscal válido (NIF). También debes aceptar el Contrato de Consultor Independiente (CCI) y adquirir el Kit de Comienzo.

¿Cómo calcula Scentsy las comisiones?

Los Consultores ganan un 20 por ciento sobre sus primeros 1000 puntos de Volumen al por Menor Personal (VMeP) y el 25 por ciento sobre todas las ventas a partir de ahí, además de una bonificación de hasta el 9 por ciento sobre el Volumen al por Mayor Personal en función del rango y una bonificación del 5 por ciento cuando las ventas mensuales superan los 2000 puntos de VMeP. Además de la comisión que percibes por tus ventas, puedes ganar varias bonificaciones en función de los resultados de tu equipo.

¿Qué es el VMeP?

El Volumen al por Menor Personal es el valor en puntos de los productos comisionables que vendes. El VMeP es un sistema general de puntos convertibles a la moneda local mediante una relación precio/beneficio a crecimiento (tasa PEG).

¿Cuáles son los requisitos de ventas mensuales para los Consultores Scentsy?

Los Consultores Scentsy deben realizar unas ventas que generen 200 puntos de VMeP o más en al menos un mes de cualquier período de tres meses consecutivos. Los 200 puntos de VMeP pueden provenir de pedidos de clientes individuales, pedidos de reuniones o pedidos en Internet realizados a través de su sitio web personal (SWP).

¿Tengo que realizar mis pedidos con una tarjeta de crédito o débito?

Todos los pagos de los Consultores a Scentsy deben realizarse mediante tarjeta de crédito o débito; aunque tú puedes aceptar los pagos de tus clientes de la forma que prefieras. Scentsy no acepta efectivo, giros ni cheques. Si un cliente paga con un cheque, debe extenderse como cheque nominativo al Consultor.

¿Tengo que patrocinar a otros Consultores?

No, pero los Consultores que patrocinan a nuevos miembros de equipo son más exitosos. ¡Ganan más VMeP y es un 60 por ciento más probable que permanezcan con Scentsy a largo plazo!

¿Qué pasa si tengo preguntas o necesito ayuda?

Siempre recomendamos que comiences por preguntar a tu Patrocinador o a tu equipo. Son un recurso valioso. La oficina central ofrece numerosas oportunidades de capacitación y herramientas online. También tienes a tu disposición el Apoyo a Consultores de lunes a viernes, para ayudarte con cualquier cosa que puedas necesitar. Todos en Scentsy estamos contigo, en cada paso que des.

¿Cómo puedo vender los productos Scentsy?

Scentsy se basa en la planificación de reuniones. Puedes celebrar reuniones en casa, reuniones canasta, reuniones casa abierta o reuniones en Internet, y también puedes recibir pedidos a través de tu Sitio Web Personal.

Scentsy Countries Open in Europe

Scentsy Europe is open and able to be sold in the following countries:

  • UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
  • Ireland
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Austria
  • Netherlands
  • Belgium

Scentsy "Scents of the Season" Collection! 

Introducing the new Scentsy "Scents of the Season" Collection inspired by iconic scents of the holidays - fir needles, baked apples, and cinnamon sticks … fragrances that evoke images of Christmas trees, homemade treats & friends gathered ’round a cozy fire. This new, magical collection becomes available Friday, November 17 at 9am Pacific! 


So what Scentsy scents are in the "Scents of the Season" collection? 

This limited-time offering is made up of 5 amazing Scentsy scents, 3 of which are top-selling (and mighty fantastic) scents from last year -

·         Blue Christmas: orange peels, cloves, fir needles and cinnamon sticks.

·         St. Nickerdoodle: baked apples, spices and a dusting of powdered sugar.

·         Wassail Wonderland: orange zest, lemon peel and cinnamon stick over fresh fir needles.

The other 2 that wrap up (see what I did there with "wrap up"...because it's Christmas & wrapping presents...anyways) the last 2 are brand-new fragrances:

·         NEW Cranberry & Tinsel: mulled cranberries, Siberian fir needle and cedarwood. (PS - if you loved Very Merry Cranberry you'll love this new fragrance!)

·         NEW Sugar Bells: a sweet medley of finely spun sugar, vanilla bean and honeyed chestnut. (PS - Remember Central Park Pralines? If you've been missing that scent you'll love this one!)

These fabulous five Scentsy scents can be purchased individually OR if you want them to come in a super cute red velvet bag resembling the jolly bag of the big man himself simply order a collection of five! But we like to give you choices so here are your options for ordering the collection - 

·         Collection, $24 US (includes velvet sack, while supplies last)

·         Multipack, $24 US (your choice of any 5 Scents of the Season Collection Scentsy Bars, velvet sack not included)

·         Individual Bars, $6 US each



Want an even better deal?! Purchase the new Tinsel Warmer and get the entire collection for only $35 USD!! So you get a brand-new beautiful warmer for only $11 more! Remember, these are available only for a limited time while supplies last. Want to be sure to get this amazing deal before it's gone?! Send me an email or text for those on my VIP customer group. 


Fill your life with fragrance®

Becky and Dave Sattler ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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