Which Countries Have Scentsy Consultants?

Wondering Which Countries Have Scentsy Consultants?

Here's a world map showing which countries are open for Scentsy Consultants to join and start a business. Many wonder which countries Scentsy is available in, so here's your answer!

Scentsy International

Scentsy is an international business opportunity, with Consultants in three continents and currently 12 countries.  Products are sold by Independent Consultants in various countries across North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. 

Countries with Scentsy Consultants

Countries with Scentsy Consultants

Scentsy in North America

The Scentsy Corporation started in the United States, and expanded to Scentsy in Canada in 2009.  It has also expanded to Scentsy in Mexico.  That means all of North America is filled with Scentsy products to buy, and the opportunity to join and start a Scentsy business, no matter where you live.

Scentsy in Europe

The next expansion after Canada was to Scentsy in Europe.  The countries currently open to Scentsy include: England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Germany, Spain, France, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. So, for many areas across Europe, customers can get their Scentsy fill and residents can start a Scentsy business for a little extra income on the side.  

Scentsy in Australia and New Zealand

Our friends in Australia and New Zealand joined the Scentsy family, and turned it all upside down.  The fun thing about an international company is when the other catalogs are selling spring and summer, our customers and consultants are selling autumn and winter products! 

International Company Facts

I want to Join Scentsy

Join Scentsy and Start a Scentsy Business

Have you ever thought that you would like to join Scentsy?  There are many questions and doubts with starting a Scentsy business, but that doesn't need to stop you.  Let me show you a few of the reasons I am glad I said, "yes, I want to join Scentsy!"  I'm sure you will be glad you did, just like me.

Start Your Own Scentsy Business

A Few of My Favorite Scentsy Perks 

There are so many reasons I am happy I joined Scentsy, and many of them I didn't even expect.  The main reason I joined so many years ago was to pay off grad school student loans, and also to pay for extras like Christmas.  I did not know I would find so many other benefits too. Let me share a few of the extra reasons I love being a Scentsy consultant.

Best Boss Ever

My Own Boss

I am my own boss, and love that I am in charge of my schedule.  That flexibility means that I can help in my daughter’s school class, attend my sons' sports games, go on dates with my husband, and work around their schedules. One year, we even took a month-long roadtrip across the USA and didn't have to worry about requesting time off from a boss. I am my own boss!

Travel the world

Scentsy Trips

When I decided to join Scentsy, I didn't know I would get to travel as well as make money.  I have traveled to so many places with my Scentsy business.  Whether it's for an incentive trip I earned, or for exclusive Leadership events, or even our annual convention, there are lots of chances to travel and experience new places.


Money Flexibility

What started out as a fun way to help cover expenses became a way to pay for a phone bill, car payment, mortgage to today where it covers all our living expenses. I am so grateful for the choices that come from the extra money from my Scentsy business.

What others are saying

consultant testimonial

"Becky is an amazing Star Director! Excellent leader lots of skills! Always there when needed with new ideas and suggestions! Very extraordinary leader! Trustworthy, honest, dedicated are only a few things that help describe her."

consultant testimonial

"Rebecca is a self motivated and enthusiastic leader. She is consistent in her efforts and is an amazing mentor to those on her team. I consider myself blessed to associate with her on a professional level and am inspired by her drive."

consultant testimonial

"Becky is a great Scentsy Director. I appreciate how she helps keep me informed. She is motivated and helps motivate others. As a leader, she has provided continued training meetings and I appreciate her willingness to help when needed."

Scentsy Awards 

Scentsy has given me the opportunity to have earn amazing, all-expense paid trips to places like Greece, Cancun, the Dominican Republic, NYC, DisneyWorld and more. Some of my favorite trips are to visit my amazing international teammates all over Europe, Australia, Mexico, and the United States, attending their local annual conventions and speaking all over the world. Here are just some of the trips I’ve earned, events I’ve attended or presented at, and awards I’ve earned.

Reach for the Beach 2019
Scentsy Summer Incentive Trip
Can Do Cancun 2014
Scentsy Power Up Your Business 2016
Scentsy Pick Pack Play Incentive
Share Your Song SFR Nashville
Stampede Scentsy Convention Fort Worth
Shine in 09 Scentsy Convention
Light It Up Las Vegas Scentsy SFR
Scentsy Swing For The Fences SFR
Scentsy Backstage Pass SFR
LIVE Scentsy SFR 2015 Las Vegas
Scentsy World Tour Logo 2015
World Tour Belief 2018
Scentsy World Tour 2019
No Limits Scentsy SFR Austin Texas

Join The Best Team Ever

You join a team when you join Scentsy.  I love being a Scentsy consultant and know you will too.  We are excited to welcome you to our incredible Scentsy team, "The Best Team Ever".  Join my team, and you get me as your personal sponsor and mentor.  That means I'll be here to help you get started, and each step of the way.

There are so many reasons why you would want to join Scentsy, and I am excited to help you discover your favorite reasons! 

*Income Disclosure Statement:  because I mentioned income and benefits I have earned from my Scentsy business, I am required to state that my results are not guaranteed or even typical.  However, I have done it, and can help you have success with a lot of hard work too. 

Scentsy in Spain

Scentsy in Spain

Scentsy Europe is growing very well and Scentsy in Spain is no exception!  The Europe region is the fastest growing for Scentsy currently, and is a great place to become a consultant and start a Scentsy business.  Scentsy has a distribution center in Europe so there are no issues getting products or supplies to Spain, which is a good thing for running a Scentsy business in Spain.Join Scentsy - Become a Scentsy Consultant

Estaré a tu lado durante todo el camino.  Soy un consultor de Scentsy hace 15 anos y puedo ayudarte.  

Here is some information for starting your new Scentsy business in Spain: 

Scentsy Spain Starter Kit - Tu Kit De ComienzoJoin Scentsy Spain

  • Uno de nuestros calentadores más vendidos.
  • Más de ochenta muestras aromáticas.
  • ¡Vende Scentsy online! ¡Tres meses de tu Sitio Web Personal GRATIS! Solo 12 €/mes después de eso.
  • Muestras de productos.
  • MONTONES de materiales de trabajo.
  • ¡Un regalo exclusivo!

*Incluye IVA. Más gastos de envío. El contenido puede variar.

Todo lo que necesitas por 99 €*


¿Qué significa ser Consultor Independiente Scentsy?

Como Consultor Independiente Scentsy, eres el propietario de un negocio independiente autorizado para vender productos de Scentsy a cambio de una comisión. Tienes la libertad de controlar cuándo y dónde desarrollar tu negocio, y puedes aumentar tu comisión vendiendo más productos u obteniendo ingresos residuales de amigos y familiares que hayas reclutado para tu equipo.

¿Cómo me uno?

Basta con que accedas a scentsy.com o al Sitio Web Personal de tu Patrocinador (SWP), hagas clic en “Unirse” en la parte superior de la página de inicio y, a partir de ahí, sigas los pasos del proceso de inscripción. Ten en cuenta que necesitarás una tarjeta de débito o de crédito para pagar tu Kit de Comienzo.

¿Cuánto cuesta convertirse en Consultor Scentsy?

Solo debes pagar el precio actual del Kit de Comienzo (el precio incluye IVA, pero no gastos de envío), y obtendrás un Kit de Comienzo lleno de valiosas herramientas empresariales y muestras de productos.¿Qué incluye el Kit de Comienzo?
Kit de Comienzo incluye todo lo necesario para iniciar tu negocio de Scentsy: uno de nuestros calentadores más vendidos, más de ochenta muestras de cera perfumada, catálogos, formularios de pedido, tres meses de tu propio SWP, muestras de productos y mucho más. (El contenido puede variar).

¿Cuáles son los requisitos para unirse?

Debes tener la edad legal o ser mayor de edad en tu país de residencia en el momento de la inscripción. Debes residir legalmente en el país donde desees inscribirte y tener un número de identificación fiscal válido (NIF). También debes aceptar el Contrato de Consultor Independiente (CCI) y adquirir el Kit de Comienzo.

¿Cómo calcula Scentsy las comisiones?

Los Consultores ganan un 20 por ciento sobre sus primeros 1000 puntos de Volumen al por Menor Personal (VMeP) y el 25 por ciento sobre todas las ventas a partir de ahí, además de una bonificación de hasta el 9 por ciento sobre el Volumen al por Mayor Personal en función del rango y una bonificación del 5 por ciento cuando las ventas mensuales superan los 2000 puntos de VMeP. Además de la comisión que percibes por tus ventas, puedes ganar varias bonificaciones en función de los resultados de tu equipo.

¿Qué es el VMeP?

El Volumen al por Menor Personal es el valor en puntos de los productos comisionables que vendes. El VMeP es un sistema general de puntos convertibles a la moneda local mediante una relación precio/beneficio a crecimiento (tasa PEG).

¿Cuáles son los requisitos de ventas mensuales para los Consultores Scentsy?

Los Consultores Scentsy deben realizar unas ventas que generen 200 puntos de VMeP o más en al menos un mes de cualquier período de tres meses consecutivos. Los 200 puntos de VMeP pueden provenir de pedidos de clientes individuales, pedidos de reuniones o pedidos en Internet realizados a través de su sitio web personal (SWP).

¿Tengo que realizar mis pedidos con una tarjeta de crédito o débito?

Todos los pagos de los Consultores a Scentsy deben realizarse mediante tarjeta de crédito o débito; aunque tú puedes aceptar los pagos de tus clientes de la forma que prefieras. Scentsy no acepta efectivo, giros ni cheques. Si un cliente paga con un cheque, debe extenderse como cheque nominativo al Consultor.

¿Tengo que patrocinar a otros Consultores?

No, pero los Consultores que patrocinan a nuevos miembros de equipo son más exitosos. ¡Ganan más VMeP y es un 60 por ciento más probable que permanezcan con Scentsy a largo plazo!

¿Qué pasa si tengo preguntas o necesito ayuda?

Siempre recomendamos que comiences por preguntar a tu Patrocinador o a tu equipo. Son un recurso valioso. La oficina central ofrece numerosas oportunidades de capacitación y herramientas online. También tienes a tu disposición el Apoyo a Consultores de lunes a viernes, para ayudarte con cualquier cosa que puedas necesitar. Todos en Scentsy estamos contigo, en cada paso que des.

¿Cómo puedo vender los productos Scentsy?

Scentsy se basa en la planificación de reuniones. Puedes celebrar reuniones en casa, reuniones canasta, reuniones casa abierta o reuniones en Internet, y también puedes recibir pedidos a través de tu Sitio Web Personal.

Scentsy Countries Open in Europe

Scentsy Europe is open and able to be sold in the following countries:

  • UK (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
  • Ireland
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Austria
  • Netherlands
  • Belgium

The Focus Map to Scentsy Success

The Focus Map to Scentsy Success

In a clock-in, clock-out world there are things like career paths or management training programs that provide talented, high-potential individuals diverse experiences designed to help them progress towards a particular target job. At the end of the experience, assuming the individual does well, they gain the position they were targeting from the beginning. Knowing what the path ahead of us looks like allows us to focus on the now while still anticipating and preparing for what comes next.


In order to get the same kind of clear path as a Scentsy Consultant, the obvious place to start is with the Scentsy Compensation Plan. The Comp Plan tells us rank is next, how we are paid at the next rank, and what key metrics we need to hit in order to achieve that rank. And that's actually really great - knowing exactly what I need to do to make more money AND the fact that it is the same path for everyone - is awesome. But beyond that baseline info, we have a lot of Consultants wondering where their focus should be at each rank in order to make the most of their current rank AND how to promote to the next. So based on our own experience, we put together the below information to give our amazing team of Scentsy Consultants tips on where to focus at each rank.









Paying off Startup Cost
Learn how to sell
Create Customer Base
Scentsational Start Level 3

Becky & Dave Reco

Take advantage of the great incentives to learn your new biz, make money, and pay off your startup costs. Remember sales are money for today, recruits are money for tomorrow so spend your time selling this will prove invaluable to help train new Consultants. REMEMBER - always offer the opportunity at parties & to customers but spend your time getting parties.Star



60%-SalesRecruit, recruit, recruit
Partner w/ upcoming leaders
Grow Team VolumeThe real reason we recommend the majority of your time be selling is if you’re out selling you’re in front of new people - the best way to find new recruits. Perfect your customer loyalty programs to reduce the time and money you spend getting PRV. Remember if 120 people spend $100 2X/year, you have 2k PRV every month. Start some mentoring but avoid the temptation to hand hold to ensure someone else's success, don’t create an entitled culture. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with the demands of a growing team and their questions. Avoid pushing and pulling your team to success - rather partner with them. Reward results. If effort isn’t getting results than work on training to improve results.Director

Star Director25%-Mentoring


40%-SalesCrank out Directors
Empower your leaders
Create success cultureYour frontline and Director Generation bonuses should be roughly 50-70% of your paycheck if not more at this point. Your system for PRV should be established. Build Directors & help them develop into leaders; let them be leaders. Like you, they’ll make mistakes but avoid being the person your entire group goes to for questions, training, mentoring, news, etc. - let your leaders step up. Creating a culture of leaders requires empathy and accountability at the same time but work for it, it'll save your sanity and build sustainability into your biz.SuperStar Director35%-Mentoring


30%-SalesBusiness sustainability
Keep Recruiting
Keep Leaders EngagedYour paycheck is largely, Dir. Gen. Bonuses and to a lesser degree FL bonuses. Focus on the long-term sustainability of your biz. This means ensuring leaders have goals and momentum and that you're still bringing new leaders. The reality is you can never stop recruiting. New Consultants, even Directors, with potential and promise join and quit all the time so you’ve got to be bringing new people in to keep the momentum and growth going in your business.Life as a Scentsy Consultant can be a lot of fun with the flexibility, time off, free trips, and unlimited income potential but, like any job, there is a learning curve. We hope that this helps give an idea of one way to achieve the success you're looking for as a Scentsy Consultant. If you're not a Scentsy Consultant but you've always thought about being your own boss or launching your own business let me invite you to join my global team of Scentsy Consultants. We have amazing Scentsy Consultants in Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, USA, Canada, the UK and more. Now is a great time to join and launch your Scentsy business! To join, simply follow the link to join Scentsy and become a Scentsy Consultant!

5 Keys Rocking Sales as a Scentsy Consultant

5 Keys to Rocking Sales as a Scentsy Consultant

Here are our five tips on how to rock your Scentsy sales and grow your customer base to ensure business success.  As much as we talk about recruiting new individuals to join Scentsy and become Consultants on your team, it's imperative you get comfortable selling Scentsy as well. 

If you're not yet a Scentsy consultant, we would love to have you.  When you have grown tired of reading our blogposts or watching our video tips on how to be an awesome Scentsy Consultant and you're fired up and ready to launch your own Scentsy business and start earning free travel, enjoy more time with family, or pay off some debt, follow the link to Join My Scentsy Team!!

1. Make a Scentsy Sales Goal

Goals give you direction. The top achievers across all fields from athletes, to successful business-owners use goals to direct their focus and measure their progress. Having a target helps narrow your focus and so you can identify what it will take to hit your target. Everyone, including you, started your Scentsy business with a hope of something - whether it was simply to be able to buy the products at a discount or to earn free travel, extra money, or to make it their main source of income; identify what that is for you and make goals to get you there. One of the saddest things for us as top Scentsy sponsors is when we’ve had to watch visionary, capable, high-potential individuals give up on their Scentsy business because they never used goals to chase their initial dreams.

This includes making a daily plan of specifics that you will do every day to achieve your goals. Whether it’s to send out an email, or PM you best customers, or text locals - whatever it is, break down your big monthly goal into bite-size daily ones that you can own and that will get you to your big goal. Don’t allow yourself to surrender your goal to speed bumps or roadblocks that might come up. You’ll get discouraged and experience some rejection and disappointment so be stubborn with your goal, don’t give up when your efforts don’t yield what you were hoping.

2. Diversify How You Sell Scentsy

We all have our favorite way of doing things AND our favorite ways of not doing some things and avoiding things that intimidate us. Now, obviously, leverage what you know and what you’re good at but don’t run away from other methods of getting additional sales. Try something new. If you’ve never done a home party, try one. You’ll be surprised, they’re more fun and easy than you’d think. If you’ve never done a fb party, a fundraiser, basket party, fair and show, - try it. Or, even better, think of your own unique way of getting sales.

In the world of retail they talk about the three ways to get more sales - get more customers, get them to buy from you more often, and increase the average amount they spend with you. When you joined Scentsy and became a Scentsy Consultant, you became your own sales channel so examine your relationship with your customers and determine in which of those three areas you can grow your sales. There are so many unique, different ways to grow your sales, it’s worth it to diversify your approach.

3. Follow-up With Your Scentsy Customers 

It’s age-old marketing wisdom that it costs more to acquire a new customer than it does to simply take care of existing customers and help them be your best customers and source of consistent sales. In my experience, when I’ve contacted my Scentsy customers to make them aware of sales, specials, promotions, BBMB, 10% off, Scent of the Month or just to see if they wanted to get a fresh batch of new scents in the 6 pack; they appreciated being made aware of it and felt like I was doing them a service. Rarely did they express irritation that I was making them aware of our specials. Done with the right mindset and in the spirit of taking care of a Scentsy customer, well-done follow-up can become a thriving source of sales for you every month.

As a Scentsy Consultant, remember to keep your follow-up focused and simple with a clear call-to-action and make it easy to do it. For example, if you send out a text to your VIP customers be sure you tell them why you’re texting them (It’s 10% off month! Your favorite Scentsy scents are now only $3.75 vs. $5.00 when bought in a 6pack!) and make it easy for them to take advantage of why you texted them like including a link to your PWS in the text. Take care of your Scentsy customers by letting them know when relevant specials, new products, or discounts are available and they’ll appreciate it and you’ll be able to increase your sales!

4. Ditch Distractions

Take a diet from your distractions, particularly the communication distractions - emails. Facebook. Twitter. Instagram, whatever they are. Don’t let yourself get trapped in the busy-ness of responding to every like, reply, PM, retweet, or email urgently. The constant looking down and refreshing of the various social feeds on our phones suck our focus and energy and cripple our ability to make consistent, solid progress. With your goals made and a daily plan in place, prioritize getting those done without the ever-shiney object of social media squirreling you away from your goals that you really want to ensure get done.

Sometimes, and this may be you, but sometimes we check our phones not because we’re really eager to see an update as much we want to avoid something we fear, or feel uncomfortable doing. That’s another reason this is on the list and speaks to our last tip - put down the distractions and get ‘er done. Feel free to implement a reward system - once I get orders totalling 200 PRV than I'll check fb for 5 minutes. Now, though it might sound like it, I’m not suggesting you become good friends with a volleyball and live on a deserted island. This is prioritizing getting your results above things that can wait.

5. Do it.

These tips are well and good but if we don’t get over ourselves and do it, nothing happens. I’ve seen lots of Consultants make goals and express determination to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals only to see them surrender to procrastination, fear, distractions, and poor time management. Don’t let yourself be the greatest obstacle to your Scentsy success. I’ve heard every rationale as to why goals didn’t happen but at the end of the day, in most cases, it’s a matter of fear or skills. Sometimes Scentsy Consultants become afraid of being public as a direct seller, because they aren’t comfortable in their own skin as a Consultant and are anxious about having labels attached them that sometimes accompany direct selling.

Other times, it’s a fear of failure, it can be nerve-wracking to put yourself out there to achieve a goal and not be successful. But really, do any of us mock the hundreds of Olympic athletes that don’t leave with a medal? Of course not. If it’s not fear, then it’s a skill gap, you simply don’t feel like you know how to have a home party, or do a fundraiser, etc. Regardless, whether it’s fear or skills, there’s a million amazing training videos in the workstation and a massive amount of expertise in my Scentsy group that would be happy to help. But, at the end of the day, nobody but you can make the calls, have the party, send the texts, or etc. It’s all entirely in your hands, just do it. 

You can have success with your Scentsy sales.  There are always customers wanting to buy, sometimes you just have to find them.  Use these 5 keys to rocking sales as a Scentsy consultant, and you'll find success in no time.

Is Scentsy a Pyramid Scheme?

Pyramid Schemes

Every now and then I tell people how my husband and I support* our family with our Direct Sales business. Inevitably the conversation leads to this question, “Oh, so it’s like a pyramid scheme?”.

No, Scentsy is not a pyramid scheme. After a while, I began to wonder what exactly is a pyramid scheme. Why do so many people consider any direct selling business to be one?

What Is a Pyramid Scheme

So first, what is a pyramid scheme? When in doubt, turn to Wikipedia! 🙂 –

Pyramid schemes—also referred to as franchise fraud or chain referral schemes—are marketing and investment frauds in which an individual is offered a distributorship or franchise to market a particular product. Participants earn the real profit, not by the sale of the product, but by the sale of new distributorships. Emphasis on selling franchises rather than the product eventually leads to a point where the supply of potential investors is exhausted and the pyramid collapses.”

Often, the term pyramid scheme is associated with direct selling businesses.  However, it actually happens just as much if not more often in the financial sector.

Pyramid Scheme 101


I did a Google search for the term pyramid scheme. The first result was an article about a Montana woman.  She pleaded guilty to using money from new investors to make payments to earlier investors, between 2008 and 2016. The article states that "she's accused of taking $1.5 million from 28 different people. At least four of the investors were identified as vulnerable persons because of their age, and one was mentally disabled." 

That type of "business" is bad, and should get a bad wrap.  It's also illegal (with good reason).

Here is an another article in Investopedia about pyramid schemes in the financial sector. There's also a great short video on that page explaining pyramid schemes.

How to Know if a Business Is Legitimate

Below is a video from the Direct Selling Association in Australia called "Understanding Illegal Pyramid Schemes".  The video outlines they key points of how to identify whether a business is a legitimate direct selling business or a pyramid scheme.

vimeo id="145132190"

MLM organizations

Specifically with regards to Multi-level marketing organizations the same Wikipedia page states –

According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission legitimate MLM, unlike pyramid schemes:

"...have a real product to sell. More importantly, MLM's actually sell their product to members of the general public, without requiring these consumers to pay anything extra or to join the MLM system. MLM's may pay commissions to a long string of distributors, but these commission are paid for real retail sales, not for new recruits."

Selling of Goods is Key

In summary, any business model in which members make money from the signup fee of someone else rather than any actual selling of goods or services is a pyramid scheme. Additionally, in exchange, the organization promises its new members a share of the money taken from every additional member that they recruit. If a percentage of your sign up fee goes directly to those who enrolled you, or if you are a member of a business that rewards you financially when someone joins under you – then you are part of a pyramid scheme.

The FTC also has more information at this link- FTC Pyramid Schemes - to help consumers understand the difference between legitimate direct selling businesses and scams.

So do I sell products? Absolutely! Scentsy has a fantastic brand with amazing, innovative products namely, Warmers, Diffusers, Buddies, Laundry, Skin, and, of course, it's very, very popular fragrances!

To buy Scentsy online simply visit my Scentsy Website to browse all of the fantastic items I sell.   

Pyramid Scheme Promises

Pyramid Schemes come in all shapes and sizes but all make massive promises.  Generally speaking, these schemes also leave their members, except the few at the top, worse off. This same Wiki page tells of about a dozen notable pyramid schemes all over the world.  These businesses have caused riots and robbed thousands, if not millions, of people lots of money.

Pyramid schemes are illegal ploys to rob people.  They promise an income to convince more and more people to pay the enrollment fee, of which they get a portion.

Structured to Defraud

In a Forbes magazine article by Nancy Collamer, she clarifies that “MLM’s are sometimes erroneously referred to as “pyramid schemes” – companies structured with the intent of defrauding the public”. These organizations are designed to make money, but NOT generated by the sale of any product or service. Money is made when individuals pay an enrollment fee - to a small group or individual at the top and are illegal.

Is Scentsy a Pyramid?

In Scentsy, I do get potential leadership bonuses from the amount my team sells. However, I don't get a sign-up fee when they join.  I am paid for helping new team members join and start a successful business, selling actual products. 

Many ask the question of how is a Scentsy consultant paid; can I really make money with Scentsy?  You can watch this video I created to explain the Scentsy Compensation Plan and how we make money.

Start a Legit Business

And as always if today is the day you’re and ready to be your own boss and looking for a legitimate business opportunity, come join my Scentsy team! Ever wonder if you’d make an awesome Scentsy Consultant? Check out my blog post answering that very question – Could I be an awesome Scentsy Consultant?

Are you ready to work hard to earn trips, make great friends, make money, and be able to enjoy more time with your friends and family? Then come on over to my Scentsy website and Join Scentsy!

Is Scensty A Scam?

Want to learn more about Scentsy, the company? Here's a little history about Scentsy in an article answering the question Is Scentsy a Scam?

*When I talk about income from our Scentsy business, the FTC requires that I add results are not typical, and include this Income Disclosure Statement.  Results are not typical, but honestly, neither are you.  I worked hard to make this happen, and so can you.

Scentsy New Zealand Launch

Scentsy New Zealand Launch InfoNew Zealand Scentsy

Scentsy opened Scentsy New Zealand, adding to add to our Region 3 Australia Scentsy businesses.  Scentsy New Zealand is part of Region 3, joining the Scentsy Australia region as of March 10, 2015.Join Scentsy

Contact me today for more information on becoming a Scentsy New Zealand Consultant, or sign up today so you can be start your Scentsy business in New Zealand!

New Zealand Online Opportunity Meeting

** I am holding a fast, fun, no pressure facebook online event on Thursday, January 22 at 9 pm (New Zealand time) to help answer any questions you have and let you get to know Scentsy as a company and our team a bit better.  PLEASE feel free to join in, and let me know you're there as my guest so I can help answer your questions!!  Here is the event info -  https://www.facebook.com/events/409077132584817/Scentsy New Zealand Facebook meeting

International Scentsy Recruiting

Scentsy is set up to allow all Consultants to recruit and sell within their own Region.  We are allowed to recruit in outside Scentsy Regions, but not sell.

Region 1:  USA, Canada, Mexico

Region 2:  UK, Ireland, Germany, Poland, France, Spain, Austria

Region 3:  Australia and New Zealand

In order for current Scentsy Consultants to be able to recruit in New Zealand, a consultant must sign the Cross Border Agreement in their workstation, starting March 10, 2015.  No sales for Scentsy in New Zealand will happen until March 10 as well.

The  international peg rate for New Zealand is 1.6.

Scentsy Australia Consultant Support will provide support for Scentsy New Zealand Consultants as well.

New Zealand Scentsy Catalogue

Australia and New Zealand will have the same Scentsy catalogue, starting in March and will contain both AU and NZ Prices. The following will NOT be available for New Zealand in the Scentsy catalogue: Cause product, as well as Scentsy Shower Gel and Room Spray.  All other Scentsy New Zealand products will be the same as Australia.

New Zealand Scentsy Shipping

Free shipping will NOT be available for New Zealand, but there will be an expanded host rewards structure with more rewards than for Australia. Scentsy will publish a New Zealand shipping guide soon with more detailed information.

Scentsy Recruiting in New Zealand

Scentsy will hold training calls soon regarding international expansion for your Scentsy Business.  I am also planning special training sessions with my Australia Scentsy Team, as well as my own international Scentsy team to help everyone know how to recruit in New Zealand as well.  Join my Scentsy team so I can help personally mentor you to success with your New Zealand Scentsy business!

Scentsy Consultants can advertise on social media regarding looking for recruits in New Zealand and Scentsy launching in New Zealand, but according to our Scentsy Standards, we may not try to 'buy' people in with free gifts ect. Personal specials regarding sales may not be advertised publicly.

Join Scentsy In New Zealand

The cost to join and get the amazing Scentsy New Zealand Starter Kit is $169 NZD plus shipping.  I am super excited for Scentsy's launch in New Zealand, and am excited for the chance to grow my team and help them have success as the first Scentsy Consultants in New Zealand!

Come join my Scentsy New Zealand team today!

~Becky Sattler, Scentsy Star Director


Contact me 

Scentsy Austria

Austria Joins Scentsy Europe

Just announced!  Scentsy Europe is expanding to include launch into Scentsy Austria.  Such a great time to join Scentsy with such huge growth and international expansion.  Scentsy Spain and Scentsy France were previously announced at the Scentsy UK annual convention to be opening in August 2014, but Austria was also announced at the Scentsy Germany annual convention.

Scentsy Global

Many people wonder what countries Scentsy is currently open in, so here's your list:

Scentsy International Recruiting

Scentsy Consultants can sign up to recruit and sponsor new team members in any of these open countries, but we can only sell in the Scentsy Region in which we live.  So, come and join our Scentsy Global family where you live and grow your own international business.

Join Scentsy Global

-Becky Sattler, Scentsy Star Director
Join my Scentsy Team